I'm doing a data warehouse database, I intend to load with massive amounts of data (for my current system, that would be 5 gb database at most ;)
I'm facing a decision I can't be certain that I have all the knowledge in one hand.
I have this table:
warehouse int
code dec
entryDate dat
exitDat dat
weight dec ... etc
I need to answer (fast) some question like this:
1) wich packets from warehouse 1 were checkeout sometime between date1 and date2
2) idem for checking in.
3) give me all the packets that were in motion between date1 and date2 (query1: packets in -and query2: packets out) from all warehouses or one in particular.
question 1, takes me to this index: (warehouse, entrydate), wich I don't think that allows a easy bracketing for 3rd. question
q2: same as 1 for existdate.
question 3, considering these indexes: (entrydate, warehouse) and (exitdate, warehouse)
So I wonder, do i have to make index(x,y) and index(y,x) on each field pair (exitdate, wh) & (wh, exitdate) and the same for entrydate?
Assuming that you have, or will make, a warehouse table, your indexes (warehouse, entrydate) and (warehouse, exitdate) could be used for q3, if you think of it as:
for each warehouse where <blah-blah> no-lock,
each packet of warehouse where entrydate >= mydate1 and exitdate <= mydate2
Yes, indeed... haven't tought of that...... good!...
I would replace the date fields with datetime
I'm also assuming the number of warehouses is small, relative to the number of packets, but that seems a realistic real-world assumption...
Indeed, warehouses around 20 and packets by the thousands...
I 'm putting to work what I learned form you, but brings up one question , that involves compiler and avm runtime I guess..
DO iPos = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(pcSucursales):
WHERE dwP1.Sucursal = integer(ENTRY(iPos, pcSucursales))
AND dwP1.Fecha >= pdFecha1
AND dwP1.Fecha <= pdFecha2:
The num-entries, is evaluated every loop?
the integer(ENTRY( is evaluated for every pack?
should I pass to a variable before the loops the values that make the conditions?
If you wanted you could also use:
DO iPos = NUM-ENTRIES(psSucursales) TO 1 BY -1
This would only evaluate the NUM-ENTRIES once.
This would only be possible if the order you retrieve data does not matter.
Thank you
A Venter
If you wanted you could also use:
DO iPos = NUM-ENTRIES(psSucursales) TO 1 BY -1
This would only evaluate the NUM-ENTRIES once.
This would only be possible if the order you retrieve data does not matter.
Thank you
A Venter
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Functions in the FOR block's criteria are evaluated only once before the first iteration.
Functions in Counters fire once for the start value and once more than the number of iterations for the limit.
DEFINE VAR iA AS INT NO-UNDO. DEFINE VAR iB AS INT NO-UNDO. FUNCTION FunctionA RETURNS INTEGER(): iA = iA + 1. RETURN 5. END. FUNCTION FunctionB RETURNS INTEGER(): iB = iB + 1. RETURN 3. END. DEF VAR i AS INTEGER. DO i = 1 TO FunctionA(): END. MESSAGE "Done with i = 1 TO FunctionA()" SKIP "Function fired" iA "times" VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. iA = 0. DO i = FunctionA() TO 1 BY -1: END. MESSAGE "Done with i = FunctionA() TO 1 BY -1:" SKIP "Function fired" iA "times" VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. iA = 0. FOR EACH Customer WHERE CustNum <= FunctionA() i = 1 TO FunctionB(): DISP CustNum Name. END. MESSAGE "Done with FOR EACH" SKIP "Filter Function fired" iA "times" SKIP "Counter Function fired" iB "times" VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.
That's a neat trick, Abri; I never knew that.
So for Octavio the answer is that num-entries fires on every iteration unless using Abri's "by -1" approach, and the integer(entry( function fires once at the start of the for each block (aka once per warehouse). So, given the small handful of warehouses, you're not wasting very many milliseconds with the code you have: just whatever time it takes to do 20 "extra" num-entries calls.
Here's a tougher question: If the value of iPos or pcSucursales could change in the body of the for each loop (bad programming to say the least), would the compiler know that and re-evaluate integer(entry re-iteratively?
I know you can retrieve a record more than once:
for each table where id > 1000 by id: id = id + 2000. end.
Jim Shepherd