Hi All
What is the maximum sequence "Current Value" assuming "Increment By" value is 1 for 10.2B progress (64bit).
Whatt is the maximum number of row in a table for 10.2B progress (64bit).
1) 2,147,483,647
OE Sequences generate sequential values within any range of an ABL integer (–2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647).
2) 2 ^ 63
MAXVALUE Specifies the maximum value to be generated for the sequence. The default value is -1 for a 32-bit and a 64-bit descending sequence. The default value is 2,147,483,647 for a 32-bit ascending sequence and 9223372036854775807 for a a 64-bit ascending sequence.
There is no simple answer for the maximum number of records in a table... the answer is it depends on a number of things
- DB Block Size
- Records per block setting (RPB)
- Actual record size
- Storage Area Version (Type I or II)
Type I areas are much more limited in size based on RPB and block size... from as small as 8GB to as large as 16TB. There are also limits based on the number of RECIDs, but you are more likely to hit the RPB/total area size limits first.
Type II areas give you quite a bit more room than that but there are still limits, just not ones you are likely to hit with even the worst settings.
Refer to the OpenEdge Data Management: Database Administration documentation and go to OpenEdge RDBMS Limits /Number and size of storage ares for the gory details.
If you are using Type I areas, run don't walk to read it.