Does anyone have a .df for the VSTs? I am told that even if one selects them in Data Administration with Show Hidden that one doesn't get output.
I have someone who wants to use ABL2DB with code that includes VST access. It would be a pain to have to build the .df from scratch.
I wrote this back in V9 ages:
/***** code begins***************************************************************/ /* 30-04-2004 Richardk append option added 25-04-2004 Richardk extent, mandatory and case-sensitive added 25-04-2004 Richardk compile error 06-09-2003 by Richard Kelters Progress 91C Recieves a buffer handle and produces a Progress definition file. File is saved to specified file. */ DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER hTempTable AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER cDefinitionFile AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE h AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE i AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE j AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE c AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE lAppend AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO. DEFINE STREAM WriteFile. &SCOPED-DEFINE NAME WriteFile /* SEEK statement and function need different arguments (?) */ &SCOPED-DEFINE STREAM STREAM {&NAME} /* decided to use named stream */ &SCOPED-DEFINE PUT PUT {&STREAM} UNFORMATTED IF VALID-HANDLE(hTempTable) = FALSE THEN RETURN. /* else prowin32 error */ IF SEARCH(cDefinitionFile) > "" THEN MESSAGE "Append definition for table '" + hTempTable:NAME + "'" SKIP "to excisting file; " + SEARCH(cDefinitionFile) SKIP(2) "AND" SKIP "are you sure the table hasn't been added before." VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX QUESTION BUTTONS OK-CANCEL UPDATE lAppend. IF lAppend THEN DO: INPUT {&STREAM} FROM VALUE(cDefinitionFile). /* we've written the file pointer at the end of the file where we should continu if we were to append */ SEEK {&STREAM} TO END. ASSIGN i = SEEK({&NAME}). SEEK {&STREAM} TO i - 12. /* 10-digits number plus end-of-line and end-of-file bytes */ IMPORT {&STREAM} UNFORMATTED c. /* we've got the filepointer location were we can continu */ INPUT {&STREAM} CLOSE. END. OUTPUT {&STREAM} TO VALUE(cDefinitionFile) APPEND. IF lAppend THEN DO: ASSIGN lAppend = FALSE. /* sets error-status off */ ASSIGN i = INT(c) NO-ERROR. IF ERROR-STATUS:ERROR THEN MESSAGE "Could not set file pointer to append to excisting file." "Overwrite file; " cDefinitionFile SKIP (2) "'No' will stop program." VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX WARNING BUTTONS OK-CANCEL UPDATE lAppend. ELSE lAppend = TRUE. IF lAppend THEN DO: /* set file-pointer where we can continu */ SEEK {&STREAM} TO i. END. ELSE DO: OUTPUT {&STREAM} CLOSE. RETURN. /* stop program */ END. END. ELSE DO: OUTPUT {&STREAM} CLOSE. OUTPUT {&STREAM} TO VALUE(cDefinitionFile). /* Overwrite */ END. /* table */ {&PUT} 'ADD TABLE "':u + hTempTable:NAME + '"' SKIP ' AREA "Schema Area"':u SKIP ' LABEL "':u + hTempTable:NAME + '"' SKIP ' DESCRIPTION "Automatically created"':u SKIP ' DUMP-NAME "':u + hTempTable:NAME + '"' SKIP(2). /* field */ DO i = 1 TO hTempTable:NUM-FIELDS: ASSIGN h = hTempTable:BUFFER-FIELD(i). {&PUT} 'ADD FIELD "':u + h:NAME + '" OF "':u + hTempTable:NAME + '" AS ':u h:DATA-TYPE SKIP ' DESCRIPTION "Automatically created, please update"':u SKIP ' FORMAT "':u + h:FORMAT + '"' SKIP ' INITIAL "':u + TRIM(h:INITIAL) + '"' SKIP ' LABEL "':u + h:LABEL + '"' SKIP ' POSITION ':u + TRIM(STRING(i + 1)) SKIP ' COLUMN-LABEL "':u + h:COLUMN-LABEL + '"' SKIP. IF h:HELP <> ? THEN {&PUT} ' HELP "':u + h:HELP + '"':u SKIP. IF h:EXTENT > 0 THEN {&PUT} ' EXTENT ':u + STRING(h:EXTENT) SKIP. {&PUT} ' ORDER ':u + TRIM(STRING(i * 10)) SKIP(2). IF h:MANDATORY THEN {&PUT} ' MANDATORY':u SKIP. IF h:CASE-SENSITIVE THEN {&PUT} ' CASE-SENSITIVE':u SKIP. END. /* index */ DO i = 1 TO 200: IF hTempTable:INDEX-INFORMATION(i) = ? THEN LEAVE. ELSE ASSIGN c = hTempTable:INDEX-INFORMATION(i). {&PUT} 'ADD INDEX "':u + ENTRY(1,c) + '" ON "':u + hTempTable:NAME + '"' SKIP ' AREA "Schema Area"':u SKIP. IF ENTRY(2,c) = "1" THEN {&PUT} ' UNIQUE':u SKIP. IF ENTRY(3,c) = "1" THEN {&PUT} ' PRIMARY':u SKIP. IF ENTRY(4,c) = "1" THEN {&PUT} ' WORD':u SKIP. {&PUT} ' DESCRIPTION "Automatically created, please update"' SKIP. IF ENTRY(1,c) <> 'default':u /* no index available, Progress generates 'default' */ THEN /* indexfield */ DO j = 5 TO NUM-ENTRIES(c) BY 2: /* this needs the extra space at the end */ {&PUT} ' INDEX-FIELD "':u + ENTRY(j,c) + '" ' + (IF ENTRY(j + 1,c) = "0" THEN 'ASCENDING ':u ELSE 'DESCENDING ':u) SKIP. END. {&PUT} SKIP(1). END. /*****************************************************************/ /* */ /* T R A I L E R */ /* */ /* with current file pointer position written at end-of-file */ /* in order to append later on */ /* */ /* Got this from: , */ /* thanks Tony Lavinio and Peter van Dam */ /* */ /*****************************************************************/ ASSIGN i = SEEK({&NAME}). {&PUT} "." SKIP "PSC":u SKIP "cpstream=":u SESSION:CPSTREAM SKIP "." SKIP STRING(i,"9999999999") SKIP. OUTPUT {&STREAM} CLOSE. RETURN. /********** code ends ********************************************************/
Does anyone have a .df for the VSTs? I am told that even if one selects them in Data Administration with Show Hidden that one doesn't get output.
I have someone who wants to use ABL2DB with code that includes VST access. It would be a pain to have to build the .df from scratch.
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It was I who told Thomas and when I dump from an empty db (copy of empty4) with hidden ticked on and all the tables selected I get:
I shold add this is Progress 11.2.1 on Win7.
I shold add this is Progress 11.2.1 on Win7.
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Dumping with hidden turned on works in 10.2B (AIX) and 11.3.2 (AIX).... but only as long as you have one actual table in the database.
Dumping VSTs against sports works fine, dumping against an empty (schema wise) doesn't.
I tried this on a DB using 11.4 and got nearly 10,000 lines with 80 files. Does that sound complete?
Guess I should have tried it myself first ...
I've worked it out. You have to have a table. You have to use the "_*" filter. If you use "*" then it only puts out the real tables, even though it selects all the hidden ones.
MadDBA, does James result match yours or is there a bug with empty?
What do you plan to do with this .df once you've created it?
I'm helping Thomas with his ABL2DB testing in various scenarios. The trouble is, our application is huge and it takes forever to run everything so I thought I'd get it running with a smaller project first to iron out the issues. I have a perfect little application for these purposes but it uses vst queries only.
I haven't spent much time looking at ABL2DB so I don't know what it does with .dfs. Is it programmatically parsing the flat file?
Otherwise I don't see the value of having this data in a .df because you're not going to load it into a Progress database that already has VST schema definitions.
Basically matching.... Some weird check is happening in the dump df code.
If you have at least 1 non hidden table and select using _* it will dump all of the _* tables.
If you don't have any non hidden tables and select some (but not all) of the hidden tables it will dump those.
If you don't have any non hidden tables and select all of the hidden tables it instantly puts out an empty DF.
Yes it's parsing the flat file.
ABL2DB parses one or more .dfs to build a set of tables which correspond to the schema, but are in ordinary files, not meta files. Then as it reads the XREF and the like, it can create links between the compile units and the schema, but the schema of the application (including any metaschema files accessed by the application), not the schema of ABL2DB itself.
>> If you don't have any non hidden tables and select all of the hidden tables it instantly puts out an empty DF.
This issue is fixed in 11.5