Multi-threaded Probkup

Posted by kunal.watkar on 06-Jun-2014 13:27


I want to know if the probkup utility supports multi-threading.

I am running a probkup for databases which is taking a long time. After monitoring the backup process using top, I could observer that it is not utilizing CPU though overall CPU utilization was just 3% for my 48 core CPU machine. I tried to run it with Nice -19, but still its not using full CPU.

So, now I am planning to assign a particular core for probkup porcess and just wondering if probkup supports multi-threading.


All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 06-Jun-2014 13:38

Given that backing up is an inherently I/O limited process, the issue is read and write throughput, not utilizing cores.

Posted by gus on 06-Jun-2014 15:29

what makes you think that multithreading is the right thing to do? backing up is an I/O bound operation that requires little if any computation. it is mostly limitied by the speed of reading and writing. how many gigabytes per hour does your backup write? give data.

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 06-Jun-2014 16:26

What can you tell us about your storage subsystem?  E.g. local storage vs. SAN, spinning disks or SSD, RAID level(s), disk specs, file system type and configuration, etc.

Also, are the database and the backup file location on the same physical storage?

What is the size of your database?

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