proutil syntax to drop allocated partitions and eventually d

Posted by viswanath.sekar on 08-May-2014 07:14


I wanted to know the complete proutil syntax to drop composite allocated partitions ? I tried using the partition manage option to drop a partitioned table i.e. composite but I got the following error. Request your assistance on this.

proenv>proutil sports2000 -C partitionmanage truncate partition prefirstsplit table comments

OpenEdge Release 11.4ALPHA as of Fri Apr 4 19:01:30 EDT 2014
Error: keyword composite should be used for a composite partition: prefirstsplit. (17531)

Truncation of Table Partition prefirstsplit[0] Failed. (17491)
END: Truncate Operation for Table comments. (17492)

Eventually i intend to drop or deallocate all partitions and drop the table comments. I have newly created this table in the sports database. I hope i am on the right track. please suggest.


Viswanath Sekar 

All Replies

Posted by meehan on 08-May-2014 08:32

The correct syntax is:
 proutil sports2000 -C partitionmanage split table comments composite initial  [deallocate]
The deallocate keyword is optional.
Ken M.
From: viswanath.sekar []
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 8:15 AM
Subject: proutil syntax to drop allocated partitions and eventually drop the table
Thread created by viswanath.sekar


I wanted to know the complete proutil syntax to drop composite allocated partitions ? I tried using the partition manage option to drop a partitioned table i.e. composite but I got the following error. Request your assistance on this.

proenv>proutil sports2000 -C partitionmanage truncate partition prefirstsplit table comments

OpenEdge Release 11.4ALPHA as of Fri Apr 4 19:01:30 EDT 2014
Error: keyword composite should be used for a composite partition: prefirstsplit. (17531)

Truncation of Table Partition prefirstsplit[0] Failed. (17491)
END: Truncate Operation for Table comments. (17492)

Eventually i intend to drop or deallocate all partitions and drop the table comments. I have newly created this table in the sports database. I hope i am on the right track. please suggest.


Viswanath Sekar 

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Posted by viswanath.sekar on 08-May-2014 08:35


Posted by meehan on 08-May-2014 08:43

The correct syntax is:

proutil sports2000 -C partitionmanage split table comments composite initial  [deallocate]

Posted by meehan on 08-May-2014 08:47

Oops, I meant truncate, not split..

The second set of eyes watching my response in my office missed it too :)

Posted by viswanath.sekar on 08-May-2014 08:47

So even for deleting and deallocating a partition we should be using the split option ? or should it be truncate or drop ?

Posted by viswanath.sekar on 08-May-2014 08:57

Here we are providing the name of the table but not specifying the partition name? Isn't there an option to provide partition name as it is giving an error while running the proutil...

proenv>proutil sports2000 -C partitionmanage truncate table comments composite initial[deallocate]

OpenEdge Release 11.4ALPHA as of Fri Apr  4 19:01:30 EDT 2014

Composite partition name must be initial. (17528)

Truncation of Table Partition initial[deallocate][0] Failed. (17491)

END: Truncate Operation for Table comments. (17492)

I have created three partitions on comments table...apart from the composite partition...

Main composite partition name - comments_sports-1

First partition name - firstsplit

Second partition name - secondsplit

Third partition name - prefirstsplit

Appreciate all your help on this ?

Posted by Richard Banville on 08-May-2014 09:05

According to the documentation, the "deallocate" is an optional parameter and that is why it was in brackets.  The brackets should not be included on the command line.

Posted by Richard Banville on 08-May-2014 09:10

Composite partitions are "special".  They consist of data for multiple (named) partition definitions.  You have the option to truncate all partitions defined in the composite, not individual ones in the composite.  Currently the only composite partition supported is the one named "initial" and is intended to aid in migration of existing data.

You also have the option to truncate individually named and allocated partitions that are NOT part of a composite partition.  When truncating those, use the "partition" keyword followed by the partition name.

Posted by Jyothi Sundaragiri on 23-Jun-2014 05:46

1. To Truncate & Deallocate a Composite Partition

proutil <dbname> -C partitionmanage truncate table <tablename> composite initial deallocate

2. To Truncate and Deallocate a Individual Physical Partitions

proutil <dbname>  -C partitionmanage truncate table <tablename> partition <partitionname> deallocate

- provided <partitionname> - should be a Split complete Partition - (_Object-state as 0 -alloc state)

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