Possible to see progress of a backup?

Posted by James Palmer on 25-Apr-2014 13:20

I'm performing a backup restore on a 300GB database and it's taking a long time. It's coming up for 4 hours since it stopped creating the extent files, and started populating them with the data. Is there any way I can work out how far it has got in terms of how much longer I can expect it to run? 

Proenv says "

OpenEdge Release 11.2 as of Wed Feb 13 19:01:30 EST 2013
Start of extending target DB to needed size... (9432)
This is a full backup of F:\DATABASE\LIVE\icmasliv.db. (6759)
This backup was taken Fri Apr 25 14:49:15 2014. (6760)
The blocksize is 8192. (6994)
It will require a minimum of 47665716 blocks to restore. (6763)
Start of restoring the target DB... (9433)" 

The log file says even less. 

Thanks in advance. 

All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 25-Apr-2014 13:30

Look at the time stamps on the extents?

Posted by ChUIMonster on 25-Apr-2014 13:40

1) Experience is a really good estimator -- just one of the many reasons that you should periodically restore backups.

2) You could look at the IO rate on the target device and then do some math -- a minimum of approximately 48M blocks 8k need to be restored -- if your disk subsystem is currently doing about 1,000 per second that would mean roughly 48,000 seconds in total...

3) Just guessing but this situation sounds like a demonstration of how easy it is to saturate the RAM cache on a SAN and the joyous results of doing so.

Posted by James Palmer on 25-Apr-2014 13:45

Yeah I remember I used to be able to look at the time stamps, Thomas, but for some reason they all were stuck at 16:30.

And thanks for your tips too Tom.

As it happens the process finished just as I hit Submit!

Posted by ChUIMonster on 25-Apr-2014 13:48

Windows has some very strange ideas  about when it is appropriate to update file timestamps.

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 25-Apr-2014 20:09

You don't have to rely on Windows Explorer for that.  Run Resource Monitor (perfmon /res) and filter for the _dbutil.exe process.  You'll see which extent file(s) it is writing to, as well as throughput, disk queuing, etc.

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 25-Apr-2014 20:11

There's also prorest -verbose.

Posted by James Palmer on 25-Apr-2014 20:45

Thanks Rob - really helpful.

Think I've got some disk performance issues. 6 hours to back up a 300GB database with -REPLTargetCreation :(

Posted by Paul Koufalis on 25-Apr-2014 22:08

I have a client where the nightly backup of the 350Gb DB takes 26 hours.  Does anyone see the problem?

Posted by ChUIMonster on 26-Apr-2014 08:48

I'm sure that the bean counters look at 110% utilization as a good thing -- after all, isn't the point to get the most out of your investment?

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 26-Apr-2014 12:14


Are you backup up to the same physical disk where the database resides?  What kind of write speed are you getting in MB/s?

Posted by James Palmer on 26-Apr-2014 12:24

Not sure if same disk. It is on the same box. I did it that way for speed sake. Usually the backups go straight to another server as we have a shortage of space on production. Once I had everything back up and running I did a full stem backup as usual and it took around three hours lol

James Palmer | Application Developer
Tel: 01253 785103

[collapse]From: Rob Fitzpatrick
Sent: ‎26/‎04/‎2014 18:14
To: TU.OE.RDBMS@community.progress.com
Subject: RE: Possible to see progress of a backup?

Reply by Rob Fitzpatrick


Are you backup up to the same physical disk where the database resides?  What kind of write speed are you getting in MB/s?

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