when i use to do binary dump and load i need to execute prostrct db-name -C dump \path\table-name \path\
when nearly more than 50 or 100 tables come i need to execute every line so i typed it in bat file and executed but the first line only executed and remaining line does not and it come out of the bat file and it stands in proenv promt .
but when i give normal dos command any numbers of line it executes any alternate idea or method is there pls reply sir
call proutil db -C dump ...
call proutil db -C dump ...
eg it's proutil and not prostrct and since proutil is a batch itself, you need to put 'call' prior the proutil
Reply by Libor Laubachercall proutil db -C dump ...
call proutil db -C dump ...
eg it's proutil and not prostrct and since proutil it's batch itself, you need to put 'call' prior the proutil
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