Database Backup hungs

Posted by kunal.watkar on 31-Mar-2014 22:32


I have progress 9.1c  database on Windows XP .

Offline backup scheduled to run through a JIT scheduler hangs occasionally.

Any idea ? I need to troubleshoot this issue .

All Replies

Posted by James Palmer on 01-Apr-2014 03:27

For starters you're running an ancient and obsolete version of Progress. You should be able to upgrade to 9.1E without a recompile, but that's still ancient, obsolete and unsupported. You should look at upgrading as a matter of urgency. If you have source code there are probably no barriers to upgrading. 11.x is the latest version. It also has a lot of performance improvements in all sorts of areas.

As to your problem, have you looked in the log files as a starting point? At what point does the backup hang?

Posted by Libor Laubacher on 01-Apr-2014 03:28

Hmm, upgrade?

What hangs? the backup or the scheduler? the only thing I can think of when an offline backup would hang is when it would be asking for a next backup volume, or if it goes to a network, there's a network glitch, which would again trigger backup to ask for a next volume.

Posted by Libor Laubacher on 01-Apr-2014 03:29

Unfortunately, 9.1E is still supported .... I am happy to be wrong tho :)

Posted by James Palmer on 01-Apr-2014 03:38

Ok strike the unsupported from my list, but it's still ancient and obsolete ;)

Posted by kunal.watkar on 01-Apr-2014 03:48

Please find below the snippet from database log file.


02:00:14 probackup session begin for opsadmin on CON:. (451)

02:00:14 Begin Physical Redo Phase at 4544 . (5326)

02:00:14 Physical Redo Phase Completed at blk 4634 off 305 upd 1672. (7161)

02:00:14 NOTE: Backup media estimates done without database scan. (6678)

02:00:14       Estimate for uncompressed full backup is provided. (6680)


1459358 active blocks out of 1482107 blocks in <DBNAME> will be dumped. (6686)

02:00:14 0 bi blocks will be dumped. (6688)

02:00:14 Backup requires an estimated 6.7   GBytes of media. (9285)

02:00:14 Restore would require an estimated 1754809 db blocks using 6.7   GBytes of media. (9286)

02:00:14 Full backup started. (1362)

02:00:14 Begin backup of Data file(s). (5461)

03:06:53 End backup of Data file(s). (5462)


!!! ERROR - Database backup utility FAILED !!! (8563)

03:06:53 probackup session end. (334)


Backup is getting stored on network drive. But drive is accessible.

Posted by kunal.watkar on 01-Apr-2014 03:51

Generally, it takes 10-15 minutes to complete the backup. But today, it was running for an hour.

Posted by Libor Laubacher on 01-Apr-2014 03:54

> But drive is accessible.

That does not mean, there wasn't a glitch during the backup. Do you output the backup itself to a file as well, eg probkup > backup.log ? If not, please add this. Anything in the event viewer log ?

Posted by kunal.watkar on 01-Apr-2014 04:03

Sure, I will redirect the output to backup.log and check.


Posted by gus on 01-Apr-2014 14:59

yes, technically it is supported, on a "best effort" basis. unfortunately, many of us who work here can no longer remember anything about it so our best effort is not all that good.

Posted by James Palmer on 01-Apr-2014 16:31

I like the way you put it, gus :)

James Palmer | Application Developer
Tel: 01253 785103

[collapse] From: gus
Sent: ‎01/‎04/‎2014 21:02
Subject: RE: Database Backup hungs

Reply by gus

yes, technically it is supported, on a "best effort" basis. unfortunately, many of us who work here can no longer remember anything about it so our best effort is not all that good.

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