Hi all,
currently I am working a lot with OE Management and Need to configure db's and AppServer's. but it is real hard to find the reload button sometimes. I find it very hard to find a light blue on a Grey backround ... donÄt know how other People do this.
And additionaly I am wondering why there is no Button to trim all Agents, cause this is deffinitly one of the most common usecases to go on that Screen.
What do you think?
Hi Marko,
What's the OpenEdge version that you use ? I just checked on 11.2.1 on my Linux box :
is that what you were looking for ?
Hi Sasha - problem is that as a developer you often need to trim all agents to reload modiifed libraries etc.
So you need to switch the combo-box from your screenshot from Add to Trim (each time) and enter the right number of agents. If you enter a number too high the system complaints :-(
This is confusing at best.
A trim-all button would make this so much simpler.
The refresh button above the agent status page is also pretty hard too find. That qualifies for an eye test....
Did we already mention how nice an auto-refresh would be ? ;-)
I'd say these are pretty good suggestions for ideation area :)
Yes... be the first one... Go to Ideas at
Then pick the product where you'd like to report an idea and off you go...
Hoping other users will promote it :-)
w.r.t autorefresh, go to options - user preferences - automatically refresh pages