ODBC error while filling a DataSet

Posted by Admin on 09-Jul-2007 03:58

Hi! I am having a problem accessing Progress database via ODBC. I am using DataDirect 4.20 32-BIT OpenEdge SQL v10.0A driver that came with OpenEdge 10.0A and C# on .NET Framework 2.0.

"Test connect" button from ODBC driver setup (control panel) shows "Connection established!", so the parameters are probably OK. SQL Explorer performs OK.

Here is the code:

conStr = "DSN=ProgressDataSource;HOST=localhost;PORT=15010;DB=Addressbook;UID=vladimir;PWD=";

connection = new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection(conStr);




adapter = new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM pub.person", connection);

DataSet ds = new DataSet();

adapter.Fill(ds); // Error occurs here


And here is the error:


Any ideas? I've spent two days on this, and I'm stuck.


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