Progress jdbc driver error: Array size too high (7653)

Posted by Admin on 07-Mar-2008 14:12

I have a java app connecting to a progress database (Progress 10.1b)using the jdbc drivers. The driver loads fine and seems to be working, however, when I do a simple select, I get the error: Array size too high (7653) (Stack trace below). I have tried limiting results, different tables, selecting only specific columns as opposed to *, and all yeild the same error and stack trace. Any help would be appreciated as I cannot find any documentation regarding this error. Thank you.

java.sql.SQLException: Array size too high (7653)

at com.ddtek.jdbc.openedge.client.OpenEdgeClientRequest.fetchProcessReply(Unknown Source)

at com.ddtek.jdbc.openedge.client.OpenEdgeClientRequest.fetch(Unknown Source)

at com.ddtek.jdbc.openedge.OpenEdgeImplResultSet.fetchAtPosition(Unknown Source)

at Source)

at Source).....

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Tom lerma

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Posted by bbe on 08-Mar-2008 14:27

Tom, I moved your question to the "OpenEdge RDBMS & Data Management"

Posted by Admin on 11-Mar-2008 17:27

Found the answer to this one in case anyone is interested. In java SQL ResultSet, the fetch size can be set using setFetchSize. If fetchSize is set to 0, the exception above will result. Setting fetchSize to any value greater than 0 will return the results as expected.

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