A have some question about AI Status.
What is
means status AI extent - "NONE"? For example see attach file "None_STS_AI.JPG"
After reenable After-imaging, all ai extents became Ok. But, regrettably file .lg lost. And I can not identify the reason. There can be somebody knows, what this such? Thanks for any information.
Version Progress is 10.1B03 Linux
what is the result of:
rfutil [base] -C aimage list
I am sorry, now there all Ok.
Such repeats always, therefore I send you result of rfutil , as soon as such behaviour will be repeated again.
This database not my, it is of my friends, I necessarily informs you about result
check also:
rfutil base/atm -C aimage scan verbose -a [base].a2
to find some other traces and check the database log [base].lg file.
I think, the database is ok but the translation in "promon" is buggy.
Try to use the locale LANG="en_US" in place of LANG="en_US.UFT-8".