Deleting a table with no active index

Posted by ericg on 08-Jun-2009 18:46

Hi there. I am trying to delete a table with one index that is inactive. When I try to delete/drop it, Progress errors with "Table without an active primary index cannot be deleted.". I am using 10.1C. I tried creating another primay index but errors also. Any suggestions?

All Replies

Posted by davidkerkhofs3 on 09-Jun-2009 01:16

Activate the primary index using

  proutil -C idxactivate

Posted by ericg on 09-Jun-2009 10:42

Thanks David. But I get the following:

C:\OpenEdge\BCMA\DB>c:\progress\openedge\bin\proutil pasport -C idxactivate dbxcontactclass.contactclass
OpenEdge Release 10.1C as of Sat Feb  9 17:20:03 EST 2008
Index Activate: Primary index in use for building keys.
upIdxParseArgs: Cannot activate an index by using an inactive index 128 ContactC

Posted by davidkerkhofs3 on 09-Jun-2009 13:15

Try idxbuild, it appears that idxactivate will not work without a primary index:

     proutil -C idxbuild

follow the menu choice (to build some indexes and give your table and the primary index) and your primary index should be active again.

There's also a shorthand to the command, but I don't know it by heart. I guess it also depends on which version of OpenEdge you're on.

Than you can delete the table.

Posted by ericg on 04-Aug-2009 14:32

Okay now back to this.

I try and switch to single user mode using:

proshut test


proserve test -n 1

Then try:

proutil test -C idxbuild
OpenEdge Release 10.1C as of Sat Feb  9 17:20:03 EST 2008
** The database pasport is in use in multi-user mode. (276)

I cannot recall, was that correct? Thanks ...

Posted by Admin on 04-Aug-2009 14:41

externalresearch schrieb:

proserve test -n 1

I'm not a DBA guru, but running proserve with a user count of 1 is not what I call single user mode.

Simply run the proutil test -C idxbuild directly after the proshut. Single user does not require a server process.

Posted by Admin on 04-Aug-2009 14:44

let the database down:

proshut test -by

and re-try the: proutil test -C idxbuild

Posted by ericg on 04-Aug-2009 15:14

Success. Thanks.

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