I am Trainee in an IT operation. I should migrate an Oracle DB into a Progress DB. But I do not with which tools should I work. I need a tool with an editor that can process SQL statements.
Can you recommend me one? Is there perhaps something like phpMyAdmin for database Progess?
Ich bin Praktikant in einem IT-Betrieb. Ich soll eine Oracle DB in eine Progress DB migieren. Aber ich weiß nicht mit welchen Tool ich arbeiten soll. Ich brauche ein Tool mit einem Editor, das SQL Anweisungen verarbeiten kann.
Könnt ihr mir eins empfehlen? Gibt es vielleicht sowas wie "phpMyAdmin" auch für Progess Datenbank?
You can use Oracle dataserver compoment.
Instead Oracle dataserver component you can use also ODBC dataserver component.
It connects to oracle DB, reads db structure and transfers it to Progress DB holder.
After this operation is done you can query Progress DB holder with "for each" or select operators. All queries will be redirected to oracle and you will be able to get data from Oracle DB.
You can also do data transfer in other direction. Just create new progress DB, load it structure and run server with ODBC connection enabled. Then use oracle hs tools to connect to progress DB through odbc. And run some sql queries written in oracle enviroment and target progress DB.
Oracle DataServer compoment?
you probably mean: Oracle Data Access Components
I need both now? Oracle Data Access Components ODBC and DataServer component? Or can get "ODBC data server component" the Sturktur and the data from Oracle itself?
And what is an "oracle hs tools"?
LaraK wrote:
Oracle DataServer compoment?
you probably mean: Oracle Data Access Components
I need both now? Oracle Data Access Components ODBC and DataServer component? Or can get "ODBC data server component" the Sturktur and the data from Oracle itself?
And what is an "oracle hs tools"?
Progress has bridge to Oracle named "Oracle dataserver". I am not sure that Progress "ODBC Dataserver" will work against Oracle Database (maybe it is restricted by engine and lisence). If not, you can use it.
1. Modify network\admin\tnsnames.ora - add new source
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
(SID =
(HS = OK)
2. Specify connection network\admin\listener.ora
(PROGRAM = hsodbc)
(ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\bise1\db)
3. odbc parameters file hs\admin\initProgress.ora
I do not quite understand. Are they two ways:
DataServer for ORACLE
or Oracle Heterogeneous Services
Or do I need both?
I have thought it read only a little.
If you work in progress enviroment, you use first component.
If you work in oracle enviroment, you use second.
dataserver for oracle (from progress side) does the same thing as hs (from oracle side).
Thank you very much for your help and that you have taken the time to me. Now I know with what reading I have to deal in detail.
The tool of progress I think but still awful. Have Progress not a tool like phpMyAdmin for MySQL?
You could use a SQL editor that uses ODBC or JDBC. (I do not know if phpMyAdmin would work with a JDBC or ODBC connection.)
The OpenEdge Architect product includes a SQL editor that you could use (among many other development tools that work with the ABL).
Since you may not have OpenEdge Architect, you could use "Eclipse SQL Explorer" or "SQuirrel SQL Client".
In the past, I used WinSQL. (I see that there a lite version as well as a commercial version.)
The tool called "Universal SQL Editor" seems to be similar to WinSQL but I have not tried it out.
Check the SQL Development documentation for information on how to connect using an ODBC or JDBC client.
You can also use the Progress command line utilities sqlexp, sqldump and sqlload to query/run scripts, dump data lor load data from the command line.
I hope this helps.
I looked accurate the OpenEdge Architect and, after long try out, I created a database connection. I think it is just what I was looking for. Thank you!