Database encryption solutions

Posted by jmls on 06-Apr-2011 10:38

We have a requirement to have the data in the database not available if someone walked up 11 flights of stairs, broke through two security doors , disabled the alarm and the cctv , then broke through the IT room security door, broke the rack open , identified the correct server , was able to remove it from the rack and then carry it down the 11 flights of stairs and into the waiting getaway vehicle without anyone noticing ...

what do you do in this scenario ?

I've just had an eye-watering quote for TDE, so that's probably not an option.

Another option is TrueCrypt , but was wondering what sort of performance hit I may get, and if Progress supports this technology.

Any thoughts ?

All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 06-Apr-2011 12:30

No solution is going to match what TDE can do.

Posted by jmls on 06-Apr-2011 14:16

meh. That's why it's expensive.

On 6 April 2011 18:31, Thomas Mercer-Hursh

Posted by jmls on 06-Apr-2011 14:31

Thomas, don't know how else to tell you this, but I keep getting errors when emailing you.

Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 MTA inaccessible for too long for - psmtp (state 14).

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 06-Apr-2011 16:30

My internet is down with my mail server on this side ... dead DSL modem.  I am only able to get to PSDN by piggybacking on some neighbors unsecure wireless router.  I have the replacement, but am waiting for the tech support to configure it since the stupid telephone company supplies wireless routers where a dead simple ethernet modem would do the job.  This naturally makes them harder to set up, more fragile, and more likely to break.  I was supposed to hear from them an hour and half ago about doing the configuration ... but timeliness is another of their "virtues".  I had to laugh at a PUG meeting yesterday where someone was talking about one of AT&Ts suppliers who had an SLA which required them to have a replacement part and repairman on site in two hours.  Guess they are good at holding the fire to other people's feet but not their own.

Posted by jmls on 06-Apr-2011 16:36

Ahh, the beauty of GoogleApps

On 6 April 2011 22:30, Thomas Mercer-Hursh

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 06-Apr-2011 16:41

GoogleApps when you can't connect to the internet ... ?

Posted by jmls on 06-Apr-2011 18:26

You would still be able to connect to your email through your neighbour's


Sent using my Android

On 6 Apr 2011 22:42, "Thomas Mercer-Hursh"

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