We have Open edge 10.1 A installed in our system.
I want to connect it with my Oracle database.
I have oracle 10g( installed in same system...
i am new to this... so dont know about connectin...
Is there any software required for that... also IS Open Edge data server software different from Open Edge data server software for Oracle?
is my version compatible?
What all software needs to be downloaded?
Please explain....
thanx in advance....
I forgot to mention... i am working in windows XP environment...
A DataServer is a separately licensed product. If all you have is Workgroup or Enterprise Database license, then you don't have what you need to connect to Oracle.
so please tell me what all softwares do i require in order to connect with oracle...
Also which version of oracle is suitable?
The product is called DataServer for Oracle. Support for Oracle versions varies by Progress version.
Are you trying to read data from the Oracle database or the Progress database?
Which product will the application be developed in, and which will hold the data?
If it is a Progress application reading data out of an Oracle database, then the DataServer is required. However if it is an Oracle application trying to pull data out of a Progress database then you could use an ODBC link.
Hi guys,
Thanx for your reply... My open edge version is 10.1A... So Which version of oracle do i require???... I want to do both accessing Oracle database from progress as well as progress from oracle...
So can u please brief me required steps in doing both of the above mentioned....
As mentioned above you will need to get an Oracle dataserver license. This provides the ability to 'link' to tables from our Oracle database whilst within the Progress development environment. Tables that are 'linked' in will appear to Progress code as if they are actual Progress database tables.
To draw data from the Progress database into an Oracle application you can use an ODBC Client - installed in the same manner as other ODBC data sources. Progress currently supports the SQL92 standard.
You will need to get these license from your original vendor, and both come with instructions on setup/install - the process is not difficult but a little long to include all the information here.
Note that the piece for getting Progress data from a non-Progress, i.e., SQL source is a free component in 10.x versions. You just need to work with your rep to get it set up for download. The reverse is the piece which requires a different licence.
So you guys mean to say i need Oracle 9i in order to access from progress database... I have Oracle 10g installed ... that wont work???
Why do you say that? It looks to me like 10.1A supports 10gR2.
10g will work.
So this is my situation and I need advice as soon as possible.
I am using Oracle 10g or 11g on Windows 64 bit system.
I need to create dblink in Oracle which will then connect on progress base version 10.1C.
So what I need ito do is that I can laod data into Oracle from progress base using this dblink.
Everything must be done in Oracle base.
sql in oracle would be someting like:
insert into myoracletable
select * from progresstable@dbl_progress
Can plese someone give me an advice which is the best way to do this and what kind of sofware I need to install on Oracle server (exact web link would be fine).
If it is possible I dont want to install anything on progress server... everything must be done on oracle server...
thx for replay....