Convenient tool to query progress database

Posted by Admin on 10-Oct-2007 02:03


Please let me know which is the convenient tool to query progress database similar to TOAD.


Rajesh K

All Replies

Posted by kevin_saunders on 10-Oct-2007 02:36

I've not used TOAD in ages, so this might not be what you are looking for, but Squirrel SQL client is pretty good. You can get it free from:

or you can use any SQL client that uses ODBC/JDBC to connect to the database.

Posted by Admin on 10-Oct-2007 05:45

Posted by ddc on 02-May-2008 16:23

Hello, might you have quick steps on how to establish the connect from Squirrel to the Progress OE10.1B db? I have lost as to what driver I should be using and creating the alias. I am not even sure I have the JDBC components for my Progress install though the Progress documentation states I should. I have OE SQL Client Access installed having choose a COMPLETE install. I do not find %DLC%\bin\JdbcProgress.dll. as the doc seems to indicate I should.

Having said all that .. my understanding is I should be able to use the JDBC ODBC Bridge in Squirrel? I am trying that but no luck .. may just be that my connection URL is incorrect. If you have an example, would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 02-May-2008 17:05

You might find these useful and . While the focus there is specifically on Enterprise Architect, pretty much the same applies to any OE database.

Note that in a production environment, one may have server considerations which are not stated here. At a minimum, you need to have the database started with -S, but in a multi-user environment you might want to also set up separate brokers for SQL and do some tuning.

Of course, the ideal tool for poking around an OpenEdge database is ABL ... but maybe you are more familiar with SQL

Posted by Matt Baker on 05-May-2008 10:34

Database navigator (from OEA or Sonic) uses an older version of squirrel internally. This is the information it currently uses for connections.

For the newer jdbc drivers from DataDirect the driver class name is


The connection URL is something like:


Posted by Admin on 06-May-2010 12:14


You may want to look at - they supply a query tool that interrogates the Progress Database via raw sockets (no ODBC or JDBC connection required).  The tool has a built-in report writer - and other features similar to Crystal Reports.



Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 06-May-2010 12:44

For a free, non-SQL solution, you might want to look at this

Posted by rohit.ramak on 26-Jul-2011 09:14

tamhas wrote:

For a free, non-SQL solution, you might want to look at this

the above link does not open 

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 26-Jul-2011 11:34

Probably a case of being replaced by a newer release.  Probably this:

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