Activate Index Online

Posted by Jens Dahlin on 07-Dec-2012 02:57

Can I activate an Index online?

As far as I know I can only add tables online with inactive indeces. Is there any way of activating these indeces once the table is added?

I'm not finding any specific statements in the documentation that you cannot do it (but I'm not finding any way of doing it either).

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Posted by asthomas on 07-Dec-2012 03:02

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Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 07-Dec-2012 14:29

You can add an active index online to an existing table via the data dictionary.  Or you can add an inactive index to an existing table and then activate it online with proutil idxactivate (with some restrictions).

But I don't believe you can add a new table and its indexes and then activate them online.

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