Managing multi-tenant database

Posted by Admin on 07-Jan-2013 03:06


Two questions on standard management procedures and how to move them to multi-tenant databases :

  • When managing multiple databases, it is easy to restore a specific environment by restoring the full database. As probkup doesn't seem to have a tenant parameter, what could be the most appropriate procedure to restore a specific tenant ? And I also assume that AI are for the database, not by tenant ?
  • Some procedures have to be executed in single user mode. Is it possible to restrict access to a specific tenant ?



All Replies

Posted by aspotti on 07-Jan-2013 03:55

Hi Gilles,

  With the actual version of OE is not possible to backup and restore with tenant specific. This means you can only do a full backup/restore. What I do in the few context where MT is in place is not the very best practice, however it allows me to workaround it.
I restore a Db, dump data with tenant specific, clean data by tenant specific on the target Db, load tenant-specific data into target db.

I perfectly know is time consuming and definitely not the best to do, but this is is so far (maybe in future releases we will have that by tenant).

For your second question my answer is yes, you could. If some operation need to be done by a very specific user (tenant) my advice is to use the Super-Tenant which also allow to do batch operation through all the db (if necessary).

Kind regards,


Posted by Admin on 07-Jan-2013 06:05

Thanks Alessandro for your answer. By tenant backup/restore would be extremely helpful, and is first on my wish list.

I would extremely happy to hear about common problems and solutions introduced by migrating multiple databases onto multi-tenant databases (on the DBA side).


Posted by gus on 07-Jan-2013 12:23

ability to restore an individual tenant's data is coming.

Posted by Admin on 07-Jan-2013 12:27


Posted by gus on 10-Jan-2013 10:52

maybe in 11.3. not promising.

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