Someone suggested that I post this question on this forum. We have Epicor's Vantage 5 with Progress 9.1A database on Windows 2000 SP3. We are going to migrate to a newer ERP system but I'd like to buy time and resolve this problem first.
Lately, I am not able to backup or restore the Vantage database that I used to be able to. A similar problem happened to us couple of years ago. We were told our database extent grew more than 2 GB. A Progress tech was kind enough to bail us out by extending the schema. Now, I think I am back to square One. I do not remember what he did or how he resolved the issue.
I stopped the databases and tried to restore. This is the error I received:
E:\EPIC50\PROGRESS\bin>prorest e:\epic50\vntgtrn\db\vantage.db D:\dbbkup\backup.1
PROGRESS PATCH Version 9.1A26 as of November 27, 2000
e:\epic50\vntgtrn\db\vantage already exists. Do you want to over write it? [y/n]: y
SYSTEM ERROR: Attempted to exceed 2GB limit with file E:\EPIC50\PROGRESS\bin\vantage.d15. (8898)
Unable to extend data files enough to proceed. (6743)
This is a full backup of E:\epic50\vantage\db\vantage.db. (6759)
This backup was taken Wed Sep 19 18:15:00 2012. (6760)
The blocksize is 8192. (6994)
It will require a minimum of 1232769 blocks to restore. (6763)
SYSTEM ERROR: Invalid block 1157889 for file E:\EPIC50\PROGRESS\bin\vantage.d15, max is 261903 (2329)
SYSTEM ERROR: Possible file truncation, 1157889 too big for database. (612)
Here is my Vantage.st file:
b .\vantage.b1 f 256000
b .\vantage.b2
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d1 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d2 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d3 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d4 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d5 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d6 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d7 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d8 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d9 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d10 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d11 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d12 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d13 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d14 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d15
Would anyone be kind enough to help me out or point me in the right direction on how to solve this problem? I'll provide more information if that'll help.
Thank you in advance,
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Thomas Hansen
appSolutions a/s
First off, you could purge 200MB or so of data - look to your historical tables and trim the fat there. That would get you back to doing backups and avoiding a real problem - crash with no backup.
Second - download v9.1E04 and install that on another Windows box. If it were linux you could install on the same server and easily switch between the 2 versions. This /may/ give you the ability to get over 2GB or it may not. Most of us haven't used v9 in a while so the memory begins to fade. I do recall 2 GB being a problem.
See if you can perform a 2GB backup on that version of Progress. (Stop db's - copy whole db directory to new server (only works if same bitness on both servers i.e. 32-bit since win2k is 32-bit) - attempt backup. Do this before you trim the fat - or at least copy the current version of your db directory to an archive folder.
Third - if options 1 or 2 aren't possible then call in Progress tech support again. This time take better notes.
Your source database that was backed up is larger than the space you have allocated in the container extents into which you are doing the restore. You have about 10 gigabytes of data to restore.
All these files called vantage.d1 -> vantage.d14 are fixed size and add up to about 7 gigabytes of available space. the last file, vantage.d15 is variable size and can expand as needed, up to its maximum size, which is 2 gigabytes. So you need to add more space to the database containers you are restoring into. You can do that by creating a text file, call it "more.st", that contains lines like this:
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d16 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d17 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d18 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d19 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d20 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d21 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d22 f 512000
then, in the directory that contains the database, execute the command
prostrct add vantage more.st
if that works, then you should be able to do the restore.
You may find the OpenEdge RDBMS FAQ helpful in future. Look under PSDN->OpenEDge->RDBMS->Documents
.. I have to stop answering these messages from email - with Outlook removing line breaks. All the good stuff was largely unreadable.
Of course Gus is spot on with his solution. And likely that's what your Progress tech did last time.
Hello again,
I tried to add more space to the database container following your recommendations but I'm getting an error:
1) I stopped the database
2) I created more.st file and saved it in the same folder as the database
3)I ran "prostrct add vantage more.st" without the quotes.
I got this error:“.\vantage.d16 must be a directory name or follow the convention vantage.d25. (6857)”
Is this a syntax error or am I doing something wrong?
I really appreciate your help.
Post the contents of more.st
Here are the contents of the more.st file:
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d16 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d17 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d18 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d19 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d20 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d21 f 512000
d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d22 f 512000
Has anyone seen this error before? I am trying to extend the database container that has reached it's 2 GB limit:
Error ".\vantage.d16 must be a directory name or follow the convention vantage.d25. (6857)"
At this point I can not even backup the database. Please help.
That message is telling you that you already added "more" and that the current last extent is d24. Thus the first legal name for a new extent is d25.
You seem to be mixing several things.
1) To backup you use probkup and you need a list of backup extents. This is not the same as vantage.st. It is a simple text file containing "backup extent names". It would look like this:
You use it to make a backup like so:
probkup vantage c:\backup\vantage.pbk.00 -vs 500000 -com
The *first* extent must be part of the command line. The others are read from the input file (vantage.bklist) when the volume size is reached (-vs 500000 means 500,000 db blocks -- if you have a Windows db you probably have a blocksize of 4k so this is just short of 2GB per backup extent). There must be enough files to hold the entire backup. Extras are ok -- they won't be used unless they are needed. Usually you periodically check to see if your backups are starting to use most of them and add a bunch more when needed.
2) vantage.st is the structure file for your database. The one that you posted was probably not up to date (as evidenced by the reported error). You can ensure that you have a current structure file by first running "prostrct list vantage". This will refresh vantage.st. Basically more.st just needs to have the extent # incremented to reflect whatever the next available numbers are before you add extents.
When I try to run "probkup" I am getting "The system cannot find the file specified". Also the "prostrct" command did not help. It sat for a whole day without returning the prompt. I had to kill the command prompt
Please help. Thanks in advance.
sounds like you don't have the %BIN% directory in your path. You will need to add it to your path- or run the commands using literal directory. e.g. /dlc/bin/probkup or c:\openedge\bin\probkup
DLC=; export DLC
PATH=$DLC/bin:$PATH; export PATH
btw what happens if you type in "proserve"? I usually do that from the command prompt to make sure %BIN% is referenced properly. In your case, it should also give you the same error message.
Thanks for your prompt response. You are right, i do not havea BIN directory in my path but at the same time I cannot find "probkup" anywhere on the server. The only result when I search probkup is a probkup.bat that was part of our scheduled backups that does not work anymore (See below). Therefore I can't literally run "probkup".
Also typing "proserve" returns an error as the command is not recognized. However, there is a proserve.bat file also.
probkup.bat file
if "%DLC%"=="" set DLC=E:\Epic50\PROGRESS
type "%DLC%"\version
if "%1" == "online" goto Online
if "%1" == "ONLINE" goto Online
"%DLC%\bin\_dbutil" probkup %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
"%DLC%\bin\_mprshut" %2 -C backup online %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
according to your .bat file - your progress install is at
so your BIN should be
Thanks to all those that helped me with this issue. The problem has been resolved. The problem was path issues and the extents in different locations. Most of all, it was this forum that taught me and helped me and I'd like to thank everyone who chipped in.