I have a backup file (backup.bup) and 'Open Edge Progress 11.2' installed in my Windows 64-bit environment.
I would like to restore this backup, so I can see the tables and the data in them.
I have tried using prorest, but I get this error: Version number mismatch, backup has 4246, database has 4269. (16691)
What is the easiest way to achieve what I want? Should I convert the newly created database with version 4269 to match version 4246 and then perform the restore?
I tried: proutil myNewDatabase -C conv1110. But there is no conv1110...
Or do I need to install an older version of 'Open Edge'? Which version of 'Open Edge' matches version 4246 in that case? Where can I download it, I can only find 11.2 on the webpage.
Any help is welcomed.
Version 4246 is OpenEdge 10 database and version 4269 is OpenEdge 11 database.
There is a defect logged for the prorest utility to show OpenEdge versions instead of database versions.
Here is the procedure to convert your db from 10 to 11:
1) Backup your database in version 10
probkup v10db.bak
2) Truncate bi in version 10:
proutil -C truncate bi
3) Convert your database in version 11 (from version 10 to 11):
proutil -C conv1011
4) Update VSTs in version 11:
proutil -C updatevst
Thanks for your answer, it is helpful to get me in the right way.
I have follewed this article to try convert the database to 11.2. (http://knowledgebase.progress.com/articles/Article/000029439?retURL=%2Fapex%2Fprogresskbsearch&popup=false)
But I get this error: msgOpen: unable to open message file: PROMSGS
Do you have PROMSGS file in %DLC%/bin/102dbutils directory?
If yes, check you have permissions to access the file.
Yes I have the file and I have full permissions.