hey guys,I'm new to OE. I ve installed OE 11.3.also created database and table using data dictionary.Now how shall i view the table content?? I also tried For each table_name in procedure editor,but no results.
help me !
Thanks & Regards,
When you create a table, it doesn't contain any data by default. You need to have some data to view it with FOR EACH block.
yeah i have the data inside the table.Now i can able to view my result using procedure editor.
Thanks for ur reply.
one more doubt?
I ve connected to progress database using sqlexplorer and created table.Where does it resides in progress db ??? bit of confusing!
If you are going to create tables for use with ABL, use the dictionary, not SQL.
If you use SQL Explorer to create tables for use in the ABL, you need to create the table in the PUB schema:
create pub.my_table ( my_column1 integer, .......);
The ABL sees tables only in the PUB schema.
If you create a table in SQL Explorer without an schema (owner) specified, then the default schema is the userid that logged onto SQL Explorer with:
-- after login as jsmith......
create table my_other_table (f1 varchar(15), .....)
-- table goes in "jsmith" schema:
select * from jsmith.my_other_table;
Of course, if you create tables in the ABL Data Dictionary, as suggested earlier, you will be all set for ABL use.
....steve pittman [OE sql software architect]