Simple question for OE DBA sharks!

Posted by Aravindhacks on 08-Aug-2013 00:08

hey guys,I'm new to OE. I ve installed OE 11.3.also created database and table using data dictionary.Now how shall i view the table content?? I also tried For each table_name in procedure editor,but no results.

help me !

Thanks & Regards,


All Replies

Posted by Dileep Dasa on 08-Aug-2013 00:44

When you create a table, it doesn't contain any data by default. You need to have some data to view it with FOR EACH block.

Posted by Aravindhacks on 08-Aug-2013 00:59

yeah i have the data inside the table.Now i can able to view my result using procedure editor.

Thanks for ur reply.

one more doubt?

I ve connected to progress database using sqlexplorer and created table.Where does it resides in progress db ??? bit of confusing!



Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 08-Aug-2013 08:59

If you are going to create tables for use with ABL, use the dictionary, not SQL.

Posted by steve pittman on 08-Aug-2013 10:02

If you use SQL Explorer to create tables for use in the ABL, you need to create the table in the PUB schema:

                   create  pub.my_table (  my_column1   integer,  .......);

The ABL sees tables only in the PUB schema.

If you create  a table in SQL Explorer without an schema (owner) specified, then the default schema is the userid that logged onto SQL Explorer with:

                       -- after login as jsmith......

                       create table  my_other_table (f1   varchar(15), .....)

                      -- table goes in "jsmith" schema:

                     select * from jsmith.my_other_table;

Of course, if you create tables in the ABL Data Dictionary, as suggested earlier, you will be all set for ABL use.

....steve pittman [OE sql software architect]

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