Advice on table/index

Posted by Jens Dahlin on 30-Aug-2013 02:46

I need to create a table that will contain several million records. This table will be searchable in a quite dynamic way so I expect to need quite a lot of indices. However a number of data stored in this table will be quite dynamic - a number of searchable keys might be added/removed depending on business requirements and I would prefer not to have to add fields for those.

What is the fastest approach:

1) storing the dynamic data in a WORD-INDEXed record. For instance comma separated.

field-value = "key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value3"

2) storing the dynamic data in a sub-table consisting of a value pair?

parentId     Key     Value

1               key1     value1

1               key2     value2

1               key3     value2

3) an extent character field where every extent matches a specific key.

field-value[1] = value1

field-value[2] = value2

field-value[3] = value3

4) A totally different approach?

My first priority is that search is quick. Second priority in this case is ease of use.

All Replies

Posted by gus on 16-Oct-2013 13:45

1) is the fastest and has been used successfully by a number of others

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