Tech Preview for JSDO 6.0 is now available

Posted by egarcia on 29-Sep-2018 09:43

Hello all,

A Tech Preview for JSDO 6.0 is now available as an npm package.

This version includes support for Angular 6 when using the Progress Data Source component.

You can install the npm package using the following command:
npm install @progress/jsdo-angular@next

The following article in the JSDO wiki (GitHub) includes steps on using the component in an Angular web app:

A demo video showing the JSDO with Angular 6 can be found in the Documents area:

Are you working with Angular 6 / ?
Are you working with NativeScript?
Ae you interested on a Tech Preview for the @progress/jsdo-nativescript package to support Angular 6 with NativeScript?

Please let us know if you have any feedback.

Thank you and regards.

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