User credentials are not set in the Mobile App Builder prefe

Posted by john cruze on 18-Apr-2016 05:28

Hi All,

Here i am creating a Mobile services in progress developer Studio 11.5, can any one suggest me how can i set  "User credential in the Mobile App Builder preference page"  because i am getting restriction that is  "User credentials are not set in the Mobile App Builder preference page" . 


All Replies

Posted by Ramadevi Dhavala on 18-Apr-2016 05:38


You can do this from preferences page. From Progress developer studio, select the 'preferences' option from the 'Window' menu. Navigate to 'Progress OpenEdge'->Mobile appbuilder. You can use the 'User name' and 'Passowrd' fields to provide the mobile credentials.



Posted by Sanjeva Manchala on 18-Apr-2016 05:46

Hi John,

Please uncheck "Create a Mobile Application" checkbox while creating the Mobile project. Previously Mobile App Builder is tightly integrated with PDS OE. Currently Mobile App development is based in Telerik AppBuilder and this is not tightly integrated with PDS OE.

I think you have asked similar question in another post. You can find the more information in this post if you plan to develop a Mobile application:

Hope this helps,


Posted by john cruze on 18-Apr-2016 05:58

Hi Sanjeev,

Yes you are right , please suggest one more thing that if i uncheck "Create a Mobile Application" checkbox while creating the Mobile project". then my question is... can i used its service using Service URI .


Posted by Sanjeva Manchala on 18-Apr-2016 06:01

Hi John,

Yes, you can use Service URI of its Service without any problems.

Hope this helps,


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