I am looking at accessing the JSDO via a DotNet class (For work in Pub Sub and Workflow).
I have tried two approaches:
Via RestSharp, where I make use of to the RESFTful endpoints with some success on GET messages, less with PUTs
Via ClearScript. This allows me to execute Javascript V8 in a DotNET class. Trouble with this approach is the dependency in JSDO libray (4.00, progress.all.4.-.js) on Kendo, and then on JQuery.
Has anyone written any DotNET class or application to make use of JSDO to get JSON data? If so how? Or is there a JSDO library without the Kendo dependency?
I have not tried these approaches but here is some feedback.
You should be able to use RestSharp as a way to perform the REST calls to the OpenEdge backend since this is plain REST.
You would just need to send the same payload as the JSDO would do.
Regarding ClearScript.
We do not have support for running the JSDO with NodeJS.
However, it is technically possible to use the JSDO with NodeJS. A while back, we had a video on using the JSDO from Node.js.
I would suggest to bring this requirement to your sales person so that product management is aware of it.
Perhaps, you can also log an idea and explain how important this functionality is for your project.
Some technical info.
The progress.all.js library includes the code for integrating with Kendo UI.
However, you should be able to use progress.jsdo.js which does not include it.
The dependency on jQuery is for the usage of Promises. This is used by the JSDOSession object and is optional for the JSDO object. The Session object does not use Promises.
There are NPM modules that can be used to provide support for Promises and also for the XMLHttpRequest object. However, I do not know if they can be accessed via ClearScript.
I hope this helps.
Did you consider using OpenClient for .NET as an alternative?
Thanks, I will raise an idea describing what I am trying to achieve. NodeJS sounds like an idea also, I will try and find the video.
Thanks again
Hi Mike.
I have not looked at OpenClient for .Net. I will try and find out more about it.
You can add OERA\Support\prosiretrieve1.p to a .NET OpenCient proxy project and use the resulting assembly in .NET.