I tested this case using example :
this.jsdoDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
type: "jsdo",
// TO_DO - Enter your filtering and sorting
// serverPaging: true,
// pageSize: 10,
// serverSorting: true,
serverFiltering: true,
filter: { field: "yn_nimike", operator: "gt",
value: "0" },
//sort: [ { field: "Name", dir: "desc" } ],
As you can see - I have only set serverFiltering and filter. From
promon I can read that all records are brought from database:
Record Reads 126297
This is not correct, because I have defined "serverFiltering: true".
It should read from database only records that satsfy the filter criteria:
"filter: { field: "yn_nimike", operator: "gt", value: "0" }".
You should correct this as soon as possible.
- teppo
Määttänen____| TR-Tiimi Oy
Consultant_________| Struerintie 1
teppo @
trtiimi.fi____| 30100 FORSSA
int-358-50-5748 226 |
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 2:08 PM
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - Mobile] A very simple question of
from Progress Community | |
The options serverPaging and serverFiltering work pretty much as
the cases that you mentioned.
You can use serverPaging = true by itself and you can use
serverFiltering = true by itself as well.
However, if you apply a filter when working with serverPaging =
true, a client side filtering would only apply to the data that is
available locally, i.e., the page.
This result might not be what a user would expect.
In most cases, when working with serverPaging = true, you would
also want to use serverFiltering = true and serverSorting =
I hope this helps.
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