populating kendo grid from local storage

Posted by mflanegan on 16-Feb-2016 10:19

Hi there,

I have stored a dataset in local storage and I have populated a Kendo grid using this local dataset. 

The problem is the grid only populates once in the lifetime of the application.So when I add new records to the local dataset or remove a record from the dataset the grid does not repopulate when I view the page. 

There is no filter on the datasource. The grid is just meant to display whatever records are saved in the local dataset. 

Does anyone know how would I reload the grid once I have amended the local dataset?

I have tried using $('#grid').data('kendoGrid').dataSource.read(); but that is not working like it does on my other grid that is calling the jsdo. 

Thanks in advance,


All Replies

Posted by egarcia on 17-Feb-2016 07:08

Hello Meyrick,

I am guessing you are using the local storage APIs for the JSDO.

What do you see when you call dataSource.read()?

Do you see a network request to read from the OpenEdge backend?

There is an undocumented property that could help you in this scenario.

You could use readLocal: true in the transport definition of the data source for the JSDO.

The readLocal property of the transport tells the JSDO to read the data from the local memory instead of performing a network request to read the records.

Note: This readLocal property is not related to the readLocal() method of the local storage API.

You should be able to perform create, update and deletes while using readLocal which would update the local memory. A read() from the data source would read the local memory.

You can switch the property in the transport dynamically using dataSource.transport.readLocal = true/false.

Please let me know if this helps you.



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