Binding jsdo kendo.datasource to a listview using angularjs

Posted by riche on 02-Jun-2015 15:17

I'm converting your mvvm pattern template to use angular instead (or trying to anyway).

I get the data , but the binding is showing [object Object]. It's obviously nesting the data further in, but how do I get to it.

In the mvvm examples, we used $(field_name). I'm trying to use {{ field_name }} or {{ dataItem.field_name }} and I get that same output. I get the right amount of rows, but they are just the object.

Here is how I am requesting the data (which works as far as getting the data):

$scope.listDataSource = new{
                type: "jsdo",
                serverPaging: true,
                serverFiltering: true,
                filter: { field: "cust_no", operator: "eq", value: "abc" },
                serverSorting: true,
                sort: { field: "connect_type", dir: "asc" },
                transport: {
                    jsdo: jsdoSettings.resourceName,
                    tableRef: "ttCustomerConnection",
                    countFnName: "Count"
                schema: {
                  model: {
                      fields: {
                          id: { type: "string" },
                          seq: { type: "number" },
                          cust_no: { type: "string" },
                          connect_type: { type: "string" },
                          connect_type_desc: { type: "string" },
                          ip_address: { type: "string" },
                          user_name: { type: "string" },
                          password: { type: "string" },
                          server_name: { type: "string" },
                          VPN_required: { type: "Boolean" },
                          notes: { type: "string" },
                          change_userid: { type: "string" },
                          change_date: { type: "date" },
                          change_time: { type: "string" }
                error: function(e) {
                  // removed for brevity
            } );

And here is the html:

<kendo-mobile-view id="list" k-title="'List View'" k-layout="'default'" k-on-before-show="OnBeforeShow()" ng-controller="ListController">
        <kendo-mobile-list-view id="conList" class="item-list" k-data-source="listDataSource">
            <h3 class="item-title">{{ dataItem.cust_no }}</h3>
            <p class="item-info">{{ dataItem.ip_address }}</p>

Anybody able to help with this one?

All Replies

Posted by egarcia on 03-Jun-2015 06:59


It might help to see what the data assigned to the DataSource looks like.

To see the data, you can do $; from the JavaScript Console or the debugger at a breakpoint.

Is the Business Entity using a multi-table DataSet? (tableRef is only required if you are using a multi-table DataSet.)

When using type: "jsdo", the model for the DataSource is set automatically based on the information in the catalog.

I wonder if your program would behave differently if you comment out the schema property.

I hope this helps.

Posted by riche on 03-Jun-2015 08:02

I saw that the tableRef wasn't required for my single table data set, but figured that it couldn't hurt. I removed it for giggles and it reacted the same (of course).

I did the call to get the data and got this with the first record expanded:

I was curious about the schema as well, which is why I tried it before posting the question in the first place. No go, I get the same results.


Posted by riche on 03-Jun-2015 10:57

It was my fault.

I added a wrapper div to the html and used k-template and it works.

<kendo-mobile-view id="list" k-title="'List View!'" k-layout="'default'" k-on-before-show="OnBeforeShow()" ng-controller="ListController">
   <kendo-mobile-list-view id="conList" class="item-list" k-data-source="listDataSource">
      <div k-template>
           <h3 class="item-title">{{ dataItem.cust_no }}</h3>
           <p class="item-info">{{ dataItem.ip_address }}</p>

With that, I am getting my data.

My app.js entry-point:

It wasn't working originally with my template defined in the index page due to the fact that I had my factory for the templates (like shown in the sushi app) wrong. I looked more closely at that and got it working the original way:

var app = angular.module('ListMobileApp', [ 'kendo.directives' ]);["$rootScope", function($rootScope) {
        $rootScope.initialView = "views/home.html"

app.factory('templates', function() {
        return {
            conTemplate: $("#conTemplate").html()

Template definition in the index.html:

<script id="conTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-templ">
        <h3 class="item-title">{{ dataItem.cust_no }}</h3>
        <p class="item-info">{{ dataItem.ip_address }}</p>

And the use of the template in my list view (back to how I had it in the original post):

<kendo-mobile-view id="list" k-title="'List View!'" k-layout="'default'" k-on-before-show="OnBeforeShow()" ng-controller="ListController">
    <kendo-mobile-list-view id="conList" class="item-list" k-template="templates.conTemplate" k-data-source="listDataSource">

And the missing piece was passing the templates into the controller for the list:

app.controller("ListController", ['$rootScope', '$scope', 'templates', function($rootScope, $scope, templates) {
    $scope.templates = templates;

Oh, didn't need the schema definition (glad because it was a lot of extra work and I only added it because I thought I might need it to do the mapping).

Posted by egarcia on 03-Jun-2015 11:14


Thank you for sharing your findings.

Posted by agent_008_nl on 03-Jun-2015 12:40

Btw: there is now angular 2.0.  "removed from Angular: $scope": and

No idea if this has importance for you, but it could be wortwhile to check out why it was removed. ;-)


Kind regards,

Stefan Houtzager

Houtzager ICT consultancy & development

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