Image upload from rollbase mobile to rollbase web

Posted by nitharshan on 28-Apr-2015 23:10

Hi all,

I developed a rollbase web and mobile applications, there one object has a file attachment field and i create the records for that object from my mobile application. Does anyone know how to uploading files from rollbase mobile to web please?

Thanks in Advance


All Replies

Posted by egarcia on 30-Apr-2015 06:02


Are you using the JSDO Services in the Mobile App Builder or the REST API?

If you are using the REST API, you could use the setBinaryData method.

For JSDO Services, it would depend on whether file attachment fields are available in the schema and accepted for an update operation. If accepted you could assign the field with base64 data. (Internally, it would be send to the server with the JSON payload in request and the field would be set by the server.)

However, I do not know if this approach is actually currently supported.

A developer from the Rollbase can confirm on this.


Posted by Ranjana sinha on 30-Apr-2015 06:09

Hi Nitharshan,

We do not support the upload of image from rollbase mobile currently. We have plans to support this feature in the Telerik mobile integration.


Ranjana Sinha

Posted by nitharshan on 05-May-2015 03:28

Hi egarcia, Ranjana Sinha

Thanks a lot for the suggestions.

Best Regards


Posted by Ganesh Cherivirala on 08-Dec-2015 23:21

Hi Ranjana,

is this support available now using JSDO with Telerik Mobile?

Regards, Ganesh

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