two-way binding in kendo

Posted by agent_008_nl on 01-Apr-2015 03:38

Allas, no telerik group yet, I assume this is the best group for this post.

I attended a kendo presentation in Rotterdam yesterday, and was already impressed before by the demos site (f.e. But yesterday I heard about the two way binding that is used. I read some critiques on that that I would like to share.


More in common / related to angular where two-way binding is used also: (allas only visible in cache at the moment)

React eschews two-way binding: (Michael Jackson's post)

Worrisome I find.

Kind regards,

Stefan Houtzager

Houtzager ICT consultancy & development

All Replies

Posted by egarcia on 01-Apr-2015 06:15

Hello Stefan,

Thank you for sharing these links.

Posted by j.kattestaart on 01-Apr-2015 06:32

Apart from the fact that probably angular v1.x is not the best framework for modern SPA's i don't think the inline editor is the best way to build complex apps. Its only useful for simple datasets.

BTW I don't think two way databinding is bad. I personally see more future in tools like Aurelia (, and the use of typescript or ES6. It's about an MVVM and binding is part of it.

Posted by agent_008_nl on 01-Apr-2015 06:51

I was not talking about angular, but about two-way binding / observable's.

"I don't think two way databinding is bad."

That can be so, but the links are clear about the con's. And contain more compelling reasoning than "I don't think two way databinding is bad.".

Posted by j.kattestaart on 01-Apr-2015 07:07

yes those people must be right........because they wrote an article....

Posted by agent_008_nl on 01-Apr-2015 07:15

No comment, because John wrote a reaction. :-)

Posted by Marian Edu on 01-Apr-2015 07:36

Just what exactly are you questioning here Stefan, the observer pattern, the need to have a model? Is keeping the model in sync with the viewer(s) something that you find particular odd?

Other than that you are right, two-way binding come with a cost, that doesn't necessarily mean is something bad does it?

Posted by agent_008_nl on 01-Apr-2015 07:45

I don't want to repeat what you can read in the links. And said no more than finding the stated con's worrisome.

Posted by ChUIMonster on 01-Apr-2015 08:08

> In summary, when updating large amounts of data bound to the DOM,
> consider assigning values directly and then re-rendering the DOM versus
> calling set() on each item. The performance gains can be substantial!


I don't see that as "worrisome". I see it as "good advice". Sort of
like: "when updating many db records, consider combining transactions
into groups of 100 or so instead of committing one record at a time"
doesn't make me think that transactions are a bad idea.

Tom Bascom
603 396 4886

Posted by Mike Fechner on 01-Apr-2015 08:15

Just because they were acquired does not mean they have given up their own very active community:

Posted by agent_008_nl on 01-Apr-2015 08:20

Agreed, but I posted more links and I have no idea how much of advises could follow (in the case of angular: I do not like to fight frameworks.

Posted by agent_008_nl on 01-Apr-2015 12:47

Still more about two-way binding: , see below the "Data binding" header.

 Not bad to be a bit more informed no? :-))

Posted by agent_008_nl on 02-Apr-2015 02:07

Something worth to keep an eye on: isomorphic javascript (two-way binding not used)

lots of other links to find on google. I posted something on this subject last year here:

Posted by agent_008_nl on 29-Apr-2015 07:59

Last news: two-way databinding is no more supported in angular 2.

Now don't tell me that they dropped it because  two-way databinding  is good. ;-)


Kind regards,Stefan Houtzager

Houtzager ICT consultancy & development

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