Rollbase Mobile Portal user Authentication By Rest Api

Posted by nitharshan on 04-Mar-2015 04:24

Hi All,

I tried the portal user login in my Mobile application by refer this steps It works fine with the default login service. But I need the session id in my application So i am using the Rest API for the user login ( It's only authenticate the Rollbase user but not the portal User. Is there any way or possible to authenticate the portal user through Rest API's?


Is there any way to get the session Id from the default login service?

Thanks and Regards


All Replies

Posted by whenshaw on 04-Mar-2015 09:37

@anoop -- Does this seem like it is appropriate for the Rollbase forum (it seems similar to this posting from 2 weeks ago:

Nitharshan --

The answer to your question about the default login service is that it is not possible to get the session id from it, because that session id is transmitted in an http-only cookie that is not accessible to JavaScript. Regarding your main question -- as I indicated above, the Rollbase forum will probably be able to help you with that.

Best regards,


Posted by nitharshan on 09-Mar-2015 23:40

Thanks Wayne,

But We need SESSION ID for use Rollbase extrenal API's. if rollbase provide's session id with the default login response( or Any API key ), It's very helpful..

Best Regards


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