PNS - Down

Posted by Roger Blanchard on 10-Dec-2014 09:31

Is the PNS down? When my apps startup and attempt to register the device the registration fails. This has been working just fine for a few months

All Replies

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 10-Dec-2014 09:33

I have already contacted our IT folks about this.

Posted by pantipov on 10-Dec-2014 10:37

Works fine for us...

Are you sure you are using valid certificate in app, if it does not work for you for iOS device?

Posted by Roger Blanchard on 10-Dec-2014 10:53

It is working now...maybe ISP issue although my device did have internet connectivity. If it happens again I will give PTS another call.

Posted by Roger Blanchard on 10-Dec-2014 11:36

Running my app from since update. I get errors in console and my app does not work.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined

If I drilldown it is the following line of code

var screenWidth = parseInt(size.split("x")[position == "portrait" ? 0 : 1]);

I also get the following error

Uncaught ReferenceError: cError is not processSessionLogout.js:22 $t.SessionLogout.$t.createClass.processappery.js:1575 Appery.DataSource.$t.createClass.executeMyUnifyPOSApp.js:575 $.bind.pageshowjquery-1.8.2.js:3063 jQuery.event.dispatchjquery-1.8.2.js:2681 elemData.handle.eventHandlejquery-1.8.2.js:2946 jQuery.event.triggerjquery-1.8.2.js:3604 (anonymous function)jquery-1.8.2.js:611 jQuery.extend.eachjquery-1.8.2.js:241 jQuery.fn.jQuery.eachjquery-1.8.2.js:3603 $ (anonymous function) $ (anonymous function) (anonymous function)jquery-1.8.2.js:775 proxyjquery-1.8.2.js:974 firejquery-1.8.2.js:1018 $ (anonymous function) $ (anonymous function) $ (anonymous function) (anonymous function)jquery-1.8.2.js:611 jQuery.extend.eachjquery-1.8.2.js:241 $.fn.(anonymous function) $ $ (anonymous function)jquery-1.8.2.js:974 firejquery-1.8.2.js:1082 self.fireWithjquery-1.8.2.js:406 jQuery.extend.readyjquery-1.8.2.js:83 DOMContentLoaded

Posted by whenshaw on 10-Dec-2014 12:16

Hi Roger,

I don't know why "size" is undefined, but I can comment on the second error you see. The logout code is trying to put together an error message but, as it says, the "cError" variable is undefined. The fact that cError is undefined at that point is a bug and I will log it. As for the bigger question of why there's an error in logout -- it's possible that whatever is preventing your app from working has put it into a state where it can't execute the Session logout() code (in the Progress JavaScript library) correctly. Maybe the login doesn't succeed but eventually the logout gets called anyway, for example.


-- Wayne Henshaw

Posted by Roger Blanchard on 10-Dec-2014 12:24

There were other errors I have fixed. It appears with the recent update (maybe with jquery mobile) that errors are sent to the console for dates that are in an incorrect format. For example, a input control dropped on a form has the text default to 'Input'. If you change the type property to date and leave the text at 'Input' an error is displayed in the console. I am not sure this will prevent the app from running but prior to the update it did not do this. As for the issue of the app no longer working I am not sure where to start to look as there are no other errors in the console. This was a working app prior to the MAB update.

Posted by Shelley Chase on 10-Dec-2014 12:43

Hi Roger,
Please log this with tech support as soon as possible.
We need to identify if we introduced a regression.
From: rblanchard []
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 1:25 PM
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - Mobile] PNS - Down
Reply by rblanchard

There were other errors I have fixed. It appears with the recent update (maybe with jquery mobile) that errors are sent to the console for dates that are in an incorrect format. For example, a input control dropped on a form has the text default to 'Input'. If you change the type property to date and leave the text at 'Input' an error is displayed in the console. I am not sure this will prevent the app from running but prior to the update it did not do this. As for the issue of the app no longer working I am not sure where to start to look as there are no other errors in the console. This was a working app prior to the MAB update.

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