JSDO paging

Posted by rasto@xpower.be on 26-Nov-2014 10:05


can anyone explain me please how paging works for HTTP GET request for JSDO stuff? I know how to do filter stuff, but can't find anywhere in the docs anything about how paging works, however if i make request using progress js stuff, i can see that _ts parameter is being sent and assigned with a value. Cant find any info about how i can control that on the client, neither how i can read that value on the server side, as when i create a business entity, it only creates one input parameter for filter, nothing for paging. Thank you all in advance.


All Replies

Posted by egarcia on 26-Nov-2014 11:20

Hello Rasto,

Here is some quick feedback.

There was a recent thread on paging/batching:


The JSDO READ Service sends a filter parameter to the server which is available to the Business Entity.

You can do paging by passing additional parameters as a string in the filter. The server then can return the appropriate records to the client.

The "JSON Filter Pattern" uses a similar approach by passing parameters in the filter as a string, the difference is that the string corresponds to a JSON object.




I hope this helps.

Posted by rasto@xpower.be on 28-Nov-2014 04:01

Thank you very much

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