Rest: Spring-generated client-principal: what is the domain

Posted by BartMille on 07-Apr-2014 08:41

I'm trying to create a rest-service using basic-authentication (+ ssl in production).

In the appSecurity-basic-local.xml file I've enabled the "OEClientPrincipal"-section:

<b:bean id="OEClientPrincipalFilter" class="" >
<b:property name="enablecp" value="true" />
<b:property name="domain" value="rest" />
<b:property name="roles" value="sample" />
<b:property name="authz" value="false" />
<b:property name="expires" value="600" />
<b:property name="accntinfo" value="true" />
<b:property name="properties" >
<b:entry key="prop-1" value="string1"/>
<b:entry key="prop-2" value="string2"/>
<b:property name="ccid" value="true" />
<b:property name="anonymous" value="true" />

Indeed, in the appserver's activate hook, I get a sealed CP containing the correct domain name.

When I try to execute a "set-db-client", I get an error (corrupt cp (16385)). Which seems logical since I've never entered the domain's passphrase anywhere(except in the db).

Does anybody have an idea where I can enter this info? Or, how to solve this?

Using 11.3

All Replies

Posted by Michael Jacobs on 07-Apr-2014 10:08

The Domain's access code can be added using a property to the OEClientPrincipalFilter bean:

<b:property name="key" value="xxxx" />

The value of the property can one of :

a)  a clear-text string (what you may want to use in development mode for debugging)

b) an encoded string (what you may want to use in a production mode for security)

The encoded string follows the same pattern used for passing encoded passwords to things like -U, client-principal:initialize(), etc.  To generate the encoded string first run

     $DLC/bin/genpassword -password "clear-text-password"

It will produce a hex-binary encoded string.   Next, append the hex-binary encode string to "oech1::" to get the 'key' property's value.


$DLC/bin/genpassword -password "password"


<b:property name="key" value="oech1::20333c34252a2137" />

Posted by BartMille on 07-Apr-2014 10:27

It's working now. And it wasn't even complicated :-)

Did you get this from the Openedge manuals?

Anyway: Many thanks!

Posted by Michael Jacobs on 09-Apr-2014 07:18

Sad to say, I could not find the information in the OpenEdge documentation set.   I happen to know because I wrote the stuff and know where the sources live.   Perhaps this problem will be corrected later.


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