AutoEdgeTheFactoryMobileSample Success?

Posted by DenDuze on 14-Mar-2013 09:08

Has somebody successfully installed and launched the AutoEdgeTheFactoryMobileSample Application?
I've installed (and uninstalled) it multiple times but always I've got some problems.
This is very nice to learn how it's all configured but sometimes it's depressing

Now finally I can start the Application
I can login (user for Hinda)
Click New Order
But when I click on a model then I get the following Error (in FireBug)

TypeError: VehicleOrderService_ShoppingCartService_JSDO.jsdo.eShoppingCart is undefined
var cart = VehicleOrderService_ShoppingCartService_JSDO.jsdo

vehicleorder.js (regel 374)

So probably I've done something wrong but what?

Info: I've installed this application like described in the readme.txt (in the AutoEdgeTheFactoryMobileSample directory)
The only thing that I've changed is the I've omitted the 'resp' when I have to change the $HOSTNAME for the SecurityTokenService (see the readme.txt section 1.4 MOBILE WEB APPLICATION)
I've omitted that 'resp' because I've got errors in the logfile about this @first, when I deleted that I did not get that error so I thought it was an error in the readme.txt


All Replies

Posted by Peter Judge on 14-Mar-2013 12:01


I've installed (and got this sample working) on a couple of machines, without these problems.

Info: I've installed this application like described in the readme.txt (in

the AutoEdgeTheFactoryMobileSample directory)


The only thing that I've changed is the I've omitted the 'resp' when I

have to change the $HOSTNAME for the SecurityTokenService (see the

readme.txt section 1.4 MOBILE WEB APPLICATION)


I've omitted that 'resp' because I've got errors in the logfile about this

@first, when I deleted that I did not get that error so I thought it was

an error in the readme.txt

I suspect that omitting 'rest' from the URL is causing the problem. The STS catalog cannot be loaded and so the JSDO service is not being instantiated, leading to the error you see.

What errors did you see when you included 'rest' in the STS URLs?

I know that the names of the Settings parameters changed between when that sample was written and FCS. But the sample includes a compatible version of progress.js and progress.session.js so that should work just fine.

-- peter

Posted by DenDuze on 15-Mar-2013 06:23


Thanks for that info and I though that I saw the problem!

Because in your reply you wrote 'omitting 'rest' from the URL is causing the problem' and in the documentation it's 'resp' (I was wondering why that resp had to be there) I thought that that would be the problem but no luck.

If I set the RSTapplicationURL for the SecurityTokenService to ' rest' I get the following error (in FireBug) when starting the App

NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://My_IP:8980/SecurityTokenService%20rest/static/home.html"          home.html

When I ommit the 'rest' in that URL the app starts without errors but again I get the prviously reported error

TypeError: VehicleOrderService_ShoppingCartService_JSDO.jsdo.eShoppingCart is undefined



Posted by Peter Judge on 15-Mar-2013 08:06

If I set the RSTapplicationURL for the SecurityTokenService to

' rest' I get the following

error (in FireBug) when starting the App

NetworkError: 404 Not Found -




The 'rest' should not be there (nothing should be).

Looking at the readme (which I wrote), I can see why you added it


For the SecurityTokenService, the catalogURL and RESTapplicationURL also need to change to

http://$HOSTNAME:8980/SecurityTokenService/static/mobile/SecurityTokenService.json and

http://$HOSTNAME:8980/SecurityTokenService resp.


The resp. there means respectively .




It sounds a little like the Mobile service (backend) is not running or accessible.

You can check this using a normal webbrowser:

Posted by Peter Judge on 15-Mar-2013 08:11

Sorry, sent too soon

If I set the RSTapplicationURL for the SecurityTokenService to

' rest' I get the following

error (in FireBug) when starting the App

NetworkError: 404 Not Found -




The 'rest' should not be there (nothing should be).

Looking at the readme (which I wrote), I can see why you added it:


For the SecurityTokenService, the catalogURL and RESTapplicationURL also

need to change to

http://$HOSTNAME:8980/SecurityTokenService/static/mobile/SecurityTokenService.json and

http://$HOSTNAME:8980/SecurityTokenService resp.


The resp. there means respectively (applies to both).

So RESTapplicationURL needs to be http://$HOSTNAME:8980/SecurityTokenService

When I ommit the 'rest' in that URL the app starts without errors but

again I get the prviously reported error



is undefined

Just to confirm, you updated all 3 VehicleOrderService*.Settings files with a correct hostname?

You should also confirm that the OE Web Server is running and that the services are deployed to it.

And finally, make sure that you can access those services from a web browser. If you use http://$HOSTNAME:8980/SecurityTokenService/static/mobile/SecurityTokenService.json as your URL, you should see some JSON data.

-- peter


Posted by DenDuze on 15-Mar-2013 09:26

pjudge wrote:

The 'rest' should not be there (nothing should be).

Looking at the readme (which I wrote), I can see why you added it:


For the SecurityTokenService, the catalogURL and RESTapplicationURL also

need to change to

http://$HOSTNAME:8980/SecurityTokenService/static/mobile/SecurityTokenService.json and

     http://$HOSTNAME:8980/SecurityTokenService resp.


The resp. there means respectively (applies to both).

OK, but this was a bit confusing!

Also by a previous reply from you in this thread where you mentioned the following

"I suspect that omitting 'rest' from the URL is causing the problem. The
STS catalog cannot be loaded and so the JSDO service is not being
instantiated, leading to the error you see."

Just to confirm, you updated all 3 VehicleOrderService*.Settings files with a correct hostname? Yes

You should also confirm that the OE Web Server is running and that the services are deployed to it. OK

And finally, make sure that you can access those services from a web browser. If you use http://$HOSTNAME:8980/SecurityTokenService/static/mobile/SecurityTokenService.json as your URL, you should see some JSON data.  I have Json Data

-- peter


But still I get that error!

As I said before:

I can start the app

I can login

I can select a brand

But in the following screen when I click on a model I get

TypeError: VehicleOrderService_ShoppingCartService_JSDO.jsdo.eShoppingCart is undefined

var cart = VehicleOrderService_ShoppingCartService_JSDO.jsdo

There is another strange thing in the readme.txt

In the IMPORTANT NOTE you write that I can verify that the services are deployed to the right Appserver.

you say that I can verify that in the Progress OpenEdge Server Monitor view bij clicking on 1 and looking to the properties.
When I open the Progress OpenEdge Server Monitor view and open the OE Web Server node I only have the restmgr1 (but no services node)

Also when I select that one I can't see properties anywhere?

When I look in the Servers View then I can see the restmgr1 node with the 2 services under it (synchronised & publisched) but again I can't see properties (also not by richt-click)

So I think there has to be something wrong but what?

And why can I start en perform some actions in that Mobile App but do I get errors in other actions in that sam App?

Posted by Peter Judge on 15-Mar-2013 09:56


OK, but this was a bit confusing!

*Also by a previous reply from you in this thread where you mentioned

the following*

*"I suspect that omitting 'rest' from the URL is causing the problem.


STS catalog cannot be loaded and so the JSDO service is not being

instantiated, leading to the error you see."*


I was mistaken. I had not read the readme when I said this. The word 'resp' or even 'rest' should not appear in any of the settings URLs.

And finally, make sure that you can access those services from a web

browser. If you use


ice.json as your URL, you should see some JSON data. I have Json Data


And also data for

http://$HOSTNAME:8980/VehicleOrderService/static/mobile/VehicleOrderService.json ?

And why can I start en perform some actions in that Mobile App but do I

get errors in other actions in that sam App?

There are 2 services in the app: the STS for login/logout, and the VehicleOrderService for 'business data'.

When login succeeds, you should see some JSON (debug) data on the login screen, in the About section. It should start with " {"error":false ". If it does not, then the STS service is failing too.

-- peter

Posted by Peter Judge on 15-Mar-2013 10:56


It's come to my attention that the published readme is slightly out of date.

I've attached the correct one. Hopefully it helps a little more. I've also attached the zip file containing the project/artifacts in case there are major differences there too.

If you choose to use this version, you will need to delete the existing project, and manually import the newer version. If I remember right, File > Import > Existing projects into workspace > From archive file.

-- peter

Posted by DenDuze on 15-Mar-2013 13:05


I get data for the both services so I tink that this is ok but still I have some problems.

I'm gonne delete en retry with the new files that I've got from you.

I know the drill because it's will be the 4é time that I will restart from scratch (but I already learned a lot with that)

Posted by DenDuze on 18-Mar-2013 05:53

Hey Peter,

After deleting the project again and importing the newly provided zip-file with a combination of the 2 readme.txt files it finally works!




Posted by Peter Judge on 18-Mar-2013 08:31


Just FYI, the RSS feed (that provides the zip etc into PDSOE) has been updated with the version I attached to this thread, so any new workspaces should be able to use those.

-- peter

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