Custom CSS

Posted by tyagi.ankit40 on 17-Apr-2013 07:02

has anyone tried to add CSS  in their project? when i tried to add a CSS, i got a lot of errors even when the CSS was blank.

All Replies

Posted by egarcia on 17-Apr-2013 08:03


I tested this and notice the following error in the JavaScript console:

- SyntaxError: Unexpected token '

It looks like the error does not prevent the rest of the code to work.

Please call technical support to report the issue.


Posted by tyagi.ankit40 on 17-Apr-2013 08:13

Do you mean it is a bug? i.e. i can not add any CSS in the project.

Posted by egarcia on 17-Apr-2013 08:26

My testing (with my test app) shows that you can add CSS files and the values in the CSS are used.

The issue that I see is that there is an error message that should not occurred. (When I get some time, I would probably compare the HTML/JS/CSS file between the two version of the projects to see what is different.)


Posted by tyagi.ankit40 on 18-Apr-2013 01:14

I contacted Tiggzi support and they have resolved the bug. Now i am able to add custom css in my project...

Posted by tyagi.ankit40 on 18-Apr-2013 01:15

There was a bug in Tiggzi. it has been resolved now.

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