using mobiscroll

Posted by tyagi.ankit40 on 19-Apr-2013 04:41

How can i achieve the following mobiscroll in my project:

hope someone has an idea!

All Replies

Posted by tyagi.ankit40 on 19-Apr-2013 07:41

Got it! done it myself..

Posted by johnmuff on 19-Apr-2013 08:14

That's great.

Can you tell me how you achieved it as I still haven't managed it yet.


Posted by tyagi.ankit40 on 19-Apr-2013 08:21

okay add the attached css and js in your project and write following code to show mobiscroll:

Tiggzi().mobiscroll().date({  /* add datetime for time too*/

        invalid: { daysOfWeek: [0, 6], daysOfMonth: ['5/1', '12/24', '12/25'] }, // this to to enable only weekdays

        theme: 'ios',

        display: 'modal',

        mode: 'scroller',

        dateOrder: 'D ddmmyy'


customization can be done using various options as available on

PS: this mobiscroll is only for datetime.

Posted by johnmuff on 19-Apr-2013 10:34


Thanks for your quick response.

I'll have another look this afternoon.



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