I have created Mobile App = "MobileCustomer" for table = Customer
with Business Entity = "dsCustomer" and Service = "MobileCustomerService".
Then I have tested it after Document: Guide to Setup the MobilityDemo App.docx
and following appears:
For: http://localhost:8980/MobileCustomerService/rest
I have abtained:
When I clicked on this WADL link I have obtained XML file with following content:
<resources base="">
<resource path="/dsCustomer">
<method name="DELETE">
<response status="204"/>
<method name="GET">
<param name="filter" style="query" default="" type="xs:string"/>
<response status="204"/>
<method name="POST">
<response status="204"/>
<method name="PUT">
<response status="204"/>
When I make the request:
there is nothing displayed. After Document: Guide to Setup the MobilityDemo App.docx
I should see the JSON data returned by the REST Adapter from the AppServer.
What is the reason of this situation ?
What is the reason of this situation ?
Any runtime error / stop condition in the AppServer log file?
Hi Mike,
I have check the conditions on AppServer and now when I make the request:
it is dispayed:
{"_errors":[{"_errorMsg":"ERROR condition: dsCustomer Singleton object
instantiation ended with an ERROR condition. (16819)
What can be the reason of this error message ?
Best regards
2013/4/25 Mike Fechner
A new message was posted in the thread "Test after Guide to Setup the
MobilityDemo App.docx":
Author : Mike Fechner
Profile : http://communities.progress.com/pcom/people/mikefe
it is dispayed:
{"_errors":[{"_errorMsg":"ERROR condition: dsCustomer Singleton object
instantiation ended with an ERROR condition. (16819)
What can be the reason of this error message ?
There's something wrong with your ABL code: the singleton/class cannot be started. Check your AppServer logs.
-- peter
Hi Peter,
thank you for the answer. In restbroker1.server.log there was the message:
dsCustomer Database Sports2000 not connected. (1006)
so it seems DB is not connected. But where is missing the connection ?
In dsCustomer.cls, where is used the table Customer, Check Syntax is OK.
In Properties for the Project -> Progress OE -> Database, the Check-Box
for DB Sports2000 is checked (yes) and when I push the Button "Test
there is displayed Connection succeded.
I have used following DB Connection Parameters:
Physical name: X:\...\Sports2000.db
Logical Name: Sports2000
Host name: localhost
Service/Port: 5555
Other parameters: -1
Auto-start database server = yes
Auto-shutdown database server = yes
Best regards
2013/4/25 Peter Judge
A new message was posted in the thread "Test after Guide to Setup the
MobilityDemo App.docx":
Author : Peter Judge
Email : pjudge@progress.com
Profile : http://communities.progress.com/pcom/people/pjudge
Hi Jiri,
Can you please check the database is associated/connected properly for the restbroker1 (or respective Appserver broker). If not please associate the database to Appserver broker and restart the broker.
Hope this helps.
Thanks and Regards,
Anil Kumar.
Hi Anil,
in our former application we starts DB server for the database and in
AppServer agent we make the connection to database.
Now in PDSOE DB my project is connected to DB Sports2000. I have defined
the connection with Auto-start database server = yes.
You have written: "..check the database is associated/connected properly
for the restbroker1 (or respective Appserver broker)". Where should I
checked it ?
So the in PDSOE defined Database Connections informations are not used by
restbroker1 of AppServer ?
Is it necessary to define for restbroker1 agent in "Configuration" in
"Server startup parameters" the connection to database - it is in my
project Sports2000 ?
Best regards
2013/4/26 Anil Kumar
A new message was posted in the thread "Test after Guide to Setup the
MobilityDemo App.docx":
Author : Anil Kumar
Profile : http://communities.progress.com/pcom/people/anikumar
You can verify that restbroker1 is configured to connect to your database by doing the following:
1. On the strip meun at the top select Run->Run Configuration
2. Highlight restbroker1 and select the database tab. Verify that your database is shown and selected. If it is not, select "show all" and select the proper database. Apply.
3. Now restart restbroker1 and you should be connected. Verify by viewing the restbroker.server.log
Hi Donna,
thank you for the answer. There is following situation in my project.
I connect the database Sports2000 with following setting:
Physical name: C:\Sports2000\Sports2000.db
Logical Name: Sports2000
Host name: localhost
Auto-start database server = yes
Auto-shutdown database server = yes
For this database I don't start before (outside of PDSOE ) any DB-Server
Check syntax for dsCustomer.cls is OK.
Under Run Configuration for Database I have selected DB Sports2000.
When I then start in PDSOE restbroker1 AppServer, error appears and in
restbroker1.server.log there is error message:
There is no server for database C:\Sports2000\Sports2000. (1423)
Is something wrong in my setting of Sports2000.db connection in PDSOE ?
In OE Explorer there is then in Server startup parameters for Agent of
restbroker1 following value:
-pf "C:\v112\wrk\localhost:resource.openedge.appserver.restbroker1.pf"
Where is it possible to find this .pf file, resp. content of this file ?
Best regards
2013/4/26 Donna McMann
A new message was posted in the thread "Test after Guide to Setup the
MobilityDemo App.docx":
Author : Donna McMann
Profile : http://communities.progress.com/pcom/people/mcmann
The .pf file does not actually exist, it is created on the fly but is not an actual file. If you are still having problems connecting, I would suggest that when you believe the database has been started that you try connecting from an external OpenEdge client.
Hi Donna,
as I have written, I connect DB with following settings:
Physical name: C:\Sports2000\Sports2000.db
Logical Name: Sports2000
Host name: localhost
Auto-start database server = yes
Auto-shutdown database server = yes
And for this database I don't start before (outside of PDSOE ) any DB-Server
When I then start in PDSOE restbroker1 AppServer, error appears and in
restbroker1.server.log there is error message:
There is no server for database C:\Sports2000\Sports2000. (1423)
I have 2 questions:
1. Is something wrong in my connection of the database Sports2000 ?
2. What do you mean with your suggestion: try connecting from an external
OpenEdge client ?
Best regards
2013/4/29 Donna McMann
A new message was posted in the thread "Test after Guide to Setup the
MobilityDemo App.docx":
Author : Donna McMann
Profile : http://communities.progress.com/pcom/people/mcmann
What I meant with try "Connecting with external client" was to start a client, not PDSOE, and try to connect to the database. If you can connect say via the "Administration Tool" or through the procedure editor you will know if the database is started in multi-user mode.
Also did you try looking at the "Run Configuration" section to validate that the restbroker1 is actually setup to connect to the same database as your project is starting?
Hi Donna,
thank you for the answer. So I have tried following:
When I start PDSOE, Sports2000.lk apperas in the catalog c:\Sports2000.
When I make connect to this DB from "Data Administration", the message:
The Database c:\Sports2000\Sports2000 is in use in multi-user mode.
So the setting Auto-start database server = yes for the connection of DB
Sports2000 in PDSOE started DB server for Sports2000.
Wen I try to connect this DB from "Data Administration" with Multiple
Users, it is OK.
In Run -> Run Configurations -> Databases I check DB Sports2000 (=yes).
Then I start restbroker1, but it comes error message:
A problem occured while starting a broker.
And in restbroker1.server.log there are following messages:
There is no server for database C:\Sports2000\Sports2000. (1423)
Error initializing the application server. (5479)
Wen I try to connect this DB from "Data Administration" with Multiple
Users, it is always OK.
When I end PDSOE, Sports2000.lk disappears in the catalog c:\Sports2000.
(Auto-shutdown database server = yes)
What can be the reason of the problem with the connection ?
Best regards
2013/5/1 Donna McMann
A new message was posted in the thread "Test after Guide to Setup the
MobilityDemo App.docx":
Author : Donna McMann
Profile : http://communities.progress.com/pcom/people/mcmann
I think you should contact Technical Support and start a case with them. Tell them all the steps you outlined in your last reply.
Sorry I can not help you further you have tried all the steps I can think of,
Hello Jiri,
As per Donna's suggestion, if you'd like to open a support case so we can further assist you, please call our Support team.
Maybe you already have access to our web interface for our call tracking that is available at https://progresslink.progress.com/_layouts/login/Default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fsupportlink%2f_layouts%2fAuthenticate.aspx%3fSource%3d%252Fsupportlink&Source=%2Fsupportlink
If you have access issues, please do not hesitate to contact me directly (jri@progress.com).