I'm using the logs produced by HDP for an audit trail. In these logs I just need to know Who perform Which SQL, When, Where (which datasource) with How many records returned or modified.
These logs are produced by a Logger library (like log4j or anyother) which could offer some opportunity to customize a bit these logs, but I can't find where is the setting file.
Can someone help me here ?
The Hybrid Data Pipeline logs files are generally described in the product documentation here: https://documentation.progress.com/output/DataDirect/hybridpipeline/#page/hybrid%2Fsystem-logs.html%23
The data source log files follow the naming format user_data_source_info.datestamp.log. It sounds like that is the log file that can contain the information that you want, as it logs the information described here: https://documentation.progress.com/output/DataDirect/hybridpipeline/index.html#page/hybrid%2Fthe-data-source-activity-log.html%23wwID0EOLKQ
This includes a timestamp for the activity, the name of the user account, the data source used, depending on the log level set in the system configuration it will contain the SQL executed, and the number of bytes and rows returned.
How to set the data source log level is described here: https://documentation.progress.com/output/DataDirect/hybridpipeline/#page/hybrid%2Fsetting-data-source-logging-levels.html%23wwID0EWCJQ
Thanks. I already saw the documentation.
How can I redirect the log in a database ? Can I provide a logger like logging.apache.org/.../appenders.html ?
Currently, we do not have the option to configure appenders for logging, Can you please let us know your use case?
The target of the appender is to flush the logs in an existing audit database.
The schema is basically 5W1H (user name, SQL, result size, transaction on/off, datasource, ip of the user, timestamp, ...)