Hybrid Data Pipeline JDBC driver error with Jetbrains Datagr

Posted by Denis on 05-Mar-2020 11:12


Our SQL tool (Jetbrain DataGrip) can't introspect the schema and can't execute queries. The error we are getting is:

[HY000] [DataDirect][JDBC Hybrid driver]Specified parameter values not supported for method: Statement.setFetchSize

As per HDP documentation, this parameter is supported (https://documentation.progress.com/output/DataDirect/hybridpipeline/index.html#page/hybrid%2Fstatement.html%23

but the error is still there. Any suggestions? 

Here is a trace log: https://progresssoftware-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/tourgout_progress_com/EcsoGD9No7hNlZedQo3VeT8Bc0VCv0_fdhNs5UCMdl7bZQ?e=P2aYAo 

All Replies

Posted by jhobson on 05-Mar-2020 11:43


This error is returned when the value supplied to setFetchSize() is negative.

SQLException - if a database access error occurs, this method is called on a closed Statement or the condition rows >= 0 is not satisfied.

Thanks, John

Posted by stephane.passignat on 12-Mar-2020 17:13

Hello John,

I did a remote debug of DataGrip using HDP. DG set the value to a negative value Integer.MIN_VALUE.


Posted by bonhomme on 24-Mar-2020 13:22

Hi Stephane,

Would it be possible to enable Spy logging so we can check further what s being passed to setFetchSize()?

Hereafter our documentation:



Thanks, Raphael

Posted by stephane.passignat on 16-Apr-2020 09:35


I solved the issue using a customized p6spy driver, muting the exception.


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