Connecting rightnow datadirect driver

Posted by jbaviset on 25-Feb-2019 11:16

Hi All,

For every initial connection of Oracle service cloud instance through rightnow JDBC connector generates user config files like", user.propeties, user.script,, user.RIGHTNOW.native, user.config"

Want to set the path for these files to download to a specific location.  Unable to find config properties in progress document.

Please help with config property to pass in url. 

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Posted by Avadhoot Kulkarni on 25-Feb-2019 12:10

You can use DatabaseName option in the jdbc url to set the location where you want to create your .config and .native files.
You can also configure when you want to create new files and when you want to use the existing .config and .native files using CreateDB setting in the url.
Hope this helps.

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