DDTek 4.3 Sybase on EF5
I'm trying to deploy an app that uses EF and it wont work on the client (getting "specified store provider cannot be found in the configuration").
Normal ADO.NET connections work fine, so the embedding of the licence file works.
App.config has all the correct connection strings (works on my dev machine).
Is it possible to deploy an EF project or do I have to install the provider on each machine or have I missed something?
DDTek 4.3 Sybase provider do not yet support Entity Framework 5. It only supports the Entity Framework 3.5. Please file an Enhancement Idea so that we can continue track the requests.
DDTek 4.3 Sybase provider do not yet support Entity Framework 5. It only supports the Entity Framework 3.5. Please file an Enhancement Idea so that we can continue track the requests.