How to connect the Hybrid Data Pipeline To an Open Edge Data
Posted by kuhles on 25-Jun-2018 02:13
I am failing to authenticate my user in the Hybrid Data Pipeline on on-premises setup.
All Replies
Posted by Brent Adonis on 25-Jun-2018 02:50
This issue appears to be with the installation of the OPC – have you copied the 4 files from the “redist” folder on the HDO Server installation across to the PC where you installed the OPC? IS it possible we could do a screen share session
to walk through this as it may be quicker and easier than through the forum.
Thank you,
Posted by kuhles on 25-Jun-2018 02:55
yes i copied the 4 files before to the root of the OPC before i installed.Which software would you use for the screenshare?