Digital Transformation Will Gain Momentum

Posted by soujanyanaganuri on 20-Dec-2017 05:22

There’s no stopping digital transformation. Here’s what we see coming in the next few years:

  • Convergence of data and application integration: Integration strategies cannot remain application specific. Customers want to leverage the microservices layer in the data integration ecosystem. They want to define integration standards for SaaS apps like Salesforce.
  • Borders between internal and external data are merging: APIs, microservices architecture, and iPaaS are playing a key role in building a borderless enterprise. Increases in business intelligence and analytics capabilities will help organizations share the proper data effectively — including the explosion in Internet of Things (IoT) data.
  • Integration is becoming a key part of digital business platforms: A true digital business platform has capabilities around business processes, user experience, IoT, Dell Boomi training business APIs, content, and insight engines. Only a strong cloud-based integration platform can deliver these capabilities.
  • Integration self-service is inevitable: Enterprises are seeing value in creating a strong API/integration layer that hosts enterprise business microservices and APIs that can be easily used by line of business employees.
  • Automation gaining momentum: Autonomous interfaces with machine learning capabilities and self-learning capabilities can function independently, bringing greater efficiencies to business workflows.
  • Automation as a Service: Development tools, integration tools, and UI tools will be automated via automation as a service (AaaS) while being housed in the cloud.

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