Need simultaneous connections to DB2

Posted by Marianne Dexter on 31-Jan-2017 16:00

How do I configure DataDirect Connect to allow multiple simultaneous connections to a DB2 database? Is there a setting in the odbc.ini? Or is this a setting I need to have changed in the DB2 database?

Currently, when one connection is established, it persists until the session is exited or times out. Then if a second connection attempt runs before the first session is exited or times out, it waits ( while running ) until it can establish the connection. This could be up to five minutes. I prefer to allow multiple simultaneous connections to run but don't know how to configure the driver to allow it.

I have the DataDirect 7.1 DB2 Wire Protocol 64-bit driver installed on a Linux SUSE 64-bit server.

All Replies

Posted by Brian Derwart on 01-Feb-2017 08:54


The 7.1 DB2 WP driver does not have a setting to limit the application or user to a single connection. You should be able to establish multiple connections through the driver with the default settings. My best guess is that the database server has been configured to only allow a single session for your user id. Are you able to connect multiple simultaneous sessions your user by any other means? Can you check with your DBA about connection limits that may be configured within the DB2 system?

Please let me know what you find and we can continue troubleshooting your issue if necessary. If you're not able to determine what database settings might have an affect on this issue, please let me know the OS on which your DB2 server is running and I can try to provide some guidance.



Posted by Marianne Dexter on 01-Feb-2017 10:10

Thank you for your help Brian.

I thought the 7.1 DB2 WP driver had a setting that affected simultaneous connections because the previous version we also currently use (6.0) allows simultaneous connections from different sessions.

We are using the two different drivers from two separate and distinct Oracle databases on different servers:

 - The 7.1 driver is installed on a Linux SUSE server running Oracle RDBMS 12c ( ).

 - The 6.0 driver is installed on a Windows Server 2003 running Oracle RDBMS 9i ( ).

Both databases are connecting to the same DB2 database ( LPAR ), which runs on zOS. If you require more specific information on the DB2 system, I can get it for you.

Posted by Brian Derwart on 01-Feb-2017 12:01


Do you have a support contract with Progress? At this point, this question would best be handled by our support team. It would seem to me that you are running into a difference either in the data source settings that you've specified for the 7.1 driver vs the 6.0 driver or that the Oracle 12 database gateway for ODBC has some different default settings around the max connections that it allows vs the Oracle 9 HS ODBC server(aka Gateway). I looked through some of the Oracle Gateway docs, but could not find anything that pointed me to a Gateway setting to control this behavior. Bringing Oracle into the loop may also help, but you may have limitations on what you can ask of them depending on your license agreement.

Are you able to open a case with Progress support?

Posted by Marianne Dexter on 01-Feb-2017 13:23

I've never had to log a support call. Yesterday I logged in to SupportLink and sent an Access Request. Today I see:

Your previously submitted SupportLink access request is pending approval. If you required assistance, please contact Progress Customer Support at

I sent an email to, but do I have another recourse?

Posted by Brian Derwart on 02-Feb-2017 08:48


I've been told that your login request has been processed and should be active on the supportlink site. When you have a moment, please try again to log a case for this issue.



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