MonogoDB JDBC Driver - Skip Schema Mapping

Posted by Tarun Kumar on 09-Dec-2015 07:32


We are in the process of evaluating MongoDB JDBC driver (latest version 6.0.0)

From the documentation and after few tests, we assume the following points are correct
1. Driver cannot operate on a empty MongoDB instance (i.e. if there is no data initially) as schema mapping cannot be generated.
2. Driver cannot operate without schema mapping.
3. Driver currently focuses on reading data and has limited ability to write data.

Our use case,
1. MongoDB will not have any collections initially (i.e. when the application starts)
2. The application connecting to MongoDB via JDBC driver will start inserting/updating/deleting the records dynamically.
3. MongoDB JDBC driver will mainly be used to perform only write operations (inserts, updates, deletes) without any read operations (select)

1. Can we skip the schema generation process and insert  new collections dynamically.
2. Is MongoDB JDBC driver a valid tool for the use case mentioned above.

Thanks in Advance

All Replies

Posted by Mark Biamonte on 09-Dec-2015 07:45

I am forwarding this question to the DataDirect Connect forum.  It can be better answered there

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