how to change port of dataDirect OpenAccess agent?

Posted by Akioma on 23-Oct-2015 07:46

Hi all,

how can we change the port of the DataDirect OpenAccess agent (OpenAccess 8.0, WindowsServer2012) ?



Posted by Sanjeev Aggarwal on 23-Oct-2015 08:20


The OpenAccess Agent port can be changed from the Management Console on Windows

1. Start Management Console

2. Expand OpenAccessSDK800_Agent -> Configuration -> ServiceSettings -> General

3. Update the port number for ServiceConnectInfo

You can double click on ServiceConnectInfo Connection Attribute and change the port number

Make sure to stop and start the Agent Service.



All Replies

Posted by Sanjeev Aggarwal on 23-Oct-2015 08:20


The OpenAccess Agent port can be changed from the Management Console on Windows

1. Start Management Console

2. Expand OpenAccessSDK800_Agent -> Configuration -> ServiceSettings -> General

3. Update the port number for ServiceConnectInfo

You can double click on ServiceConnectInfo Connection Attribute and change the port number

Make sure to stop and start the Agent Service.



Posted by Akioma on 23-Oct-2015 09:32

That worked, thanks a lot!

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