SAP DataServices --> Redshift (Amazon Wire Protocol Drive

Posted by Vitor Patriarcha on 16-Oct-2015 07:15


I'm testing the Progress DataDirect Connectors for Redshift database as data target. But I have some problems in the driver's use.

We are using SAP 4.2 DataServices as ETL tool, running on Linux x64 environment.
We made all installation by following the guides of Progress (

and can connect perfectly into the Redshfit using SQL tools (SQL Plus and ISQL) on the Linux console using ODBC connection.

However, when I try to make a connection through SAP BO DS tool some mistakes happen as below (ODBC Connection):

System call <LoadLibrary> to load and initialize functions failed for </opt/Progress/DataDirect/ODBC_71_64bit/lib/>.

Please make sure the shared library is installed and located Correctly.


The installation is correct and the bods configuration files are also configured.

Does anyone have any idea what might be happening?


DataService LOG


All Replies

Posted by Sumit Sarkar on 16-Oct-2015 08:16

The most common cause for these type of errors is due to ODBC environment settings picked up by the DS job.

Here's an article on configuring DataDirect drivers with BODS: configure DataDirect ODBC on Linux and Unix

For Redshift, you would need to add /opt/Progress/DataDirect/ODBC_71_64bit/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH

For example, add the following environment settings to the session running the job service:




Posted by Vitor Patriarcha on 19-Oct-2015 07:19

Hi Sumit,

We follow all the steps from SAP Configuration guides as you send,  so that we can properly setup ODBC distributed directly by Amazon Redshift, and the driver works well. The only problem of Amazon driver is that it does not have the expected performance. Writes about 5 records per second on RedShift.

This is our LD_LIBRARY_PATH:


The problem remains the same.

Posted by Sumit Sarkar on 19-Oct-2015 08:18

Thanks for the feedback. I am checking with the tech team supporting your evaluation next so we can establish a successful POC for you.

Posted by Vitor Patriarcha on 19-Oct-2015 09:00

Thanks Sumit,

I'm waiting and I am grateful for the help.

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