I am trying to connect to our database DB2 using progress driver and it doesnt work, any combination of Encryption Method and Authentication Method works
Specified security mechanism (Unknown), is not supported by server. In the majority of the cases.
But if I use DB2 ODBC CLI driver (IBM) It works perfectly:
[root@db2host1 bin]# echo "SELECT * FROM MY.TABLE WHERE DATA > 100" | ./db2cli execsql -dsn DB2test
IBM DATABASE 2 Interactive CLI Sample Program
(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1993,1996
All Rights Reserved
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Any ideas?
Hi grittix, I have pinged internal resources. I'm confident someone will get back to you.
Hi grittix,
The most likely cause is that the server is configured to require AES encryption and you do not have the DataDirect OpenSSL library, ddssl27.so or ivssl27.so, on your lib path. You can check your server's authentication and alternate encryption settings and set the driver's EncryptionMethod and AuthenticationMethod based on that.
Server Authentication Setting |
Server alternate_auth_enc Setting |
Driver EncryptionMethod |
Driver AuthenticationMethod |
SERVER (default) |
N/A |
0 (No Encryption) |
0 (No Encryption) |
N/A |
0 (No Encryption) |
3 (Client Authentication) |
NOT_SPECIFIED (default) |
0 (No Encryption) |
1 (Encrypt Password) or 2 (Encrypt UID and Password) or 7 (Encrypted Password AES) or 8 (Encrypted UID and Password AES) |
0 (No Encryption) |
7 (Encrypted Password AES) or 8 (Encrypted UID and Password AES) |
0 (No Encryption) |
7 (Encrypted Password AES) or 8 (Encrypted UID and Password AES) |
N/A |
2 (Database Encryption) |
1 (Encrypt Password) or 2 (Encrypt UID and Password) or 7 (Encrypted Password AES) or 8 (Encrypted UID and Password AES) |
N/A |
2 (Database Encryption) |
1 (Encrypt Password) or 2 (Encrypt UID and Password) or 7 (Encrypted Password AES) or 8 (Encrypted UID and Password AES) |
N/A |
0 (No Encryption) |
4 (Kerberos Authentication) |
N/A |
0 (No Encryption) |
4 (Kerberos Authentication) |
Hope this helps,